Kung fu, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, spirituality, playing music, reading, painting on occasion, and :::::::::quantum physics...."the dreams stuff is made of"::::::::::::::::::surfing, TCM, experiencing life....Making myself a better person through hard work. (A never ending process)So much more, but you'll just have to ask to find out.
I like meeting people who are laid back in their approach to life, but enjoy getting things done too. Anyone who has a genuine desire to be the best they can be while having a good time is ok in my book.
I like any music that I think is good. What makes it good? Because I say so, ok? Here's a small list, I'd never stop typing if I tried to show them all, so.....the postal service((()))janes addiction((()))get him eat him((()))blonde redhead((()))radiohead((()))ugly cassanova((()))tom waites((()))the cure((()))refused((()))modest mouse((()))tool((()))nirvana((()))white stripes((()))brainiac((()))enon((()))elliot smith((()))polvo((()))outkast((()))ministry((()))the shins((()))jackson five((()))pinback and more....
. Hey FOX! Use this for your marketing smartguys!
The lesson here is called "The wisdom of obscurity" The gentle outlast the strong; The obscure outlast the obvious
Currently reading: The Intellectual Devotional:::::::::::::::Just finished The Web That Has No Weaver
Martin Luther King Jr. Those willing to stand up for what's right even when it means risking everything. Very few people choose to do that.