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About Me

hey name is welsh.i play guitar.i am currently studying a higher diploma guitar course at the Academy of Contemporary Music in Guildford, Surrey and planning on doing the degree after that as well because music means the world to me and has been for quite a long time now. i'm having the time of my life up here meeting some amazing people and learning stuff that actually stays in my head for a change, not in one ear and out the other.Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jeff Beck and Tommy Emmanuel are my absolute heros.Contrary to popular belief, being welsh, i do not shag sheep.i am proud to be welsh and i dont care if you like that fact or not, its actually pretty cool to be welsh if im being honest, i get a free accent for a you may begin to tell, i am very sarcastic and usually straight to the point when it has to be said, but i think im nice to most people, try not to judge and all that jazz.and thats my autobiography. i hope you enjoyed it.if anybody wants guitar lessons in the guildford or caerphilly area (when im there), drop us a line, i'll be more than happy to help out.

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My Interests

I love playing my guitar, watching tv, playing on computer games every now and then, browsing the internet, having a few pints with my mates at home and college, playin in bands, jammin with other guitr players, writing songs, there's so many, if you wanna know any more just ask...this is fucking hysterical, check it out..... width="425" height="350" ....

I'd like to meet:

far too many to list and way to many to keep putting pictures in here, but these are my absolute heroes...


Apart from the musicians above who are my absolute heroes and my background which gives you a slight hint. Im not going to list everyone i lire are my favourites if you like...


The Green Mile, Forrest Gump, Blue Streak, Billy Maddison, Anchor Man, Austin Powers, Ong Bak, Enter The Dragon, Lord Of The Rings trilogy, Beverly Hills Cop (all 3), Life, Kung Pow, The Butterfly Effect, Team America, South Park The Movie, James Bond Movies, Scary Movie/s, Dragonfly, Sleepers, Fight Club, Men In Black, i could go on and on...


Top fucking Gear, best show on the box along with Only Fools and Horses, Fawlty Towers, BRASS EYE/THE DAY TODAY (heroic programmes), Little Britain, THE SIMPSONS, futurama, family guy, american dad, never mind the buzzcocks, have i got news for you, mock the week, loads of comedy shows i could go on and on and on......


Hulk Hogan's Autobiography, Mr.T's Autobiography (recommended read to all of you) Lord Of The Rings, Jackie Chan's Autobiography, any book written by Jeremy Clarkson, Spike Milligan or Terry Wogan.


Apart from all the musicians you see above, these people rule ass also...