Never Put Aside was founded in November 2003 in Berlin by Robert (guitar), Dirk (drums) and Marcel (bass). After a few shows the band splits with the former Lead singer in fall 2004. Fitting perfectly, Alex entered the band in spring 2005. The NPA Crew was back.
Pushing the band forward Never Put Aside worked hard on new songs and a way more aggressive set. Producing a d.i.y. six track MCD (GOT THE LAW) in summer 2005 and playing several shows. The band shared stages with
Do Or Die, Walls of Jericho, Cataract, CroMags, Leeway, Maroon, The Destiny Program, Anticops, Deadsoil and Seventh Star.
The music of Never Put Aside is aggressive, violent, in your face Hardcore.
Mixing classic NY Hardcore with heavy downbeats, fast metal parts
and brutal shouting.
The band is currently working on new material and playing as many shows as possible.
We stand for true music, true hardcore, true friendship.
Keep yourself and the music real.
Never Put Aside
Robert (git) Dirk (drums) ? ? ? ? ? (voc) Marcel (bass)
Hardcore (von engl. hard core ‘harter Kern‘) bezeichnet im Allgemeinen extreme bzw. aggressive, von der Normalität abweichende Varianten bestimmter Dinge oder Tätigkeiten.