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About Me

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

WEll therez not mutch to be told abouT me really.. im a guy that adapts with any atmosphere given to IM 6 foot 2 inches,Blond HAIr and have blue eye... for all the ladiez that love it HOLLa :P!!! AS u can see i LOve shisha ANd going out with ma crew, WORd... My nick namEs are JOno or the RObot inside joke....and many others, too many of them to write on this page. when we go out... ill tell u one thing when im really drunk and feeling the mUZAK iLL buST THe ROBot and its preety good, well thats what they alll say ..lmao!!!! well anyways ill try to find some more shiTTt that i can put on this so WTV maN.... Take EAaasssthhhhhhey !!!! BAUuuutttttttSSsss!!!

My Interests

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