anime, art, chatting, clothes, clubbing, college, cosplaying, darkness, drawing, fantasy, friends, goth, gothiclolita, japanese, jokes, manga, movies, GOD, music,nighttime, parties, people, poetry, reading, shoes, shopping, spanish, traveling, vampires, videogames and soooo much more lol.
Humm.. I just wanna meet people who r cool and open minded such as my self.... I wold love to meet some people who are christian as well, especially some whom are working on strengthening their relationship with God as i am... like i said b4 i have no time for games. some one who i can have fun with and bug out some one who can hold my interest for more than 15 mins would be cool lol and having something in common with me is definetly a plus. So if you think thats you, let me know ^^
I have a strange music taste, i like what sounds good to me i guess is the easiest way to put it. Hmmm other than that i guess heres an example of what i like, enjoy :
Im a movie FREAK!!!! I love going to the movies and im almost always on the look out for movies comming out, I tend to lean more towards horror movies just because i like horror lol the scarier the better, and after that comedies will follow. I mean who doesnt enjoy a good laugh huh? ^_~
FAMILY GUY!!!!!! Hell yeah Stewie is the shit!!!! lol i love that little guy, hmm i guess to name a few more lets add American dad, The simpsons, Futurama, South Park, and umm umm umm hmmm not many people know of the Oblongs but there awesome too, and as far as regular tv shows to name a few ill have to say, Two and a half men, everybody loves raymond, will and grace, smallville, supernatural, one tree hill, grays anatomy, and a few more. I think thats enough on tv. ^^
The bible, which i dont fully understand but im definetly working on....MANGAS!!! after all if your an anime fan mangas just some with the package, i used to be a bit of a book worm but thats slowly died down lol. Although i will pick one up everyonce in a while.
My first and most important hero is JESUS whom gave up his life on that cross for you and me, he made me the strong person that i am and i would have never accomplished what i have if it wasnt for having him in my life, after him Lets see, alot of people may think this is wrong off me, but if you know me well enough you will know that i dont give a F&@* what people think of me lol. My hero is myself. Plain and simple. I have been through alot more in my life than most of the people i know and i have experienced things that i dont wish upon my worst enemy, these things have only pushed me harder to get to where i want to go and to be the strong minded person i am today, if you know me well then you know what im talking about, if not then all you need to know is that i am my hero too and thats that. xP