Debbie profile picture


If you think it's too big, you don't deserve it

About Me

I'm anything but typical, I'm so unpredictable, and even at my worst, I'm not that bad. I guess from the outside I can seem a little crazy. My mom keeps my address on a Post-It because I tend to move around a lot. I grew up in Ohio, and after high school spent six years living in Orlando, FL and two years living in Grand Junction, CO. I moved to Boston this year for a great job, but I have had a tough time adapting considering I don't like Dunkin Donuts, Sam Adams, the Patriots, or the Red Sox. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Fashion, so I tend to like nice things. I’m a little expensive ;) I am superclose with my family. I have a best friend in every state that I’ve lived in. I love the Cleveland Indians and San Fransisco 49ers. The way to my heart is through a good imported beer. I'm a city girl who's walked a country mile. I think I’m pretty nice…actually, sometimes too nice. I will never kiss a boy first. I love to travel. I love costume and theme parties. I love getting dressed up and going out for dinner and drinks with my friends. I love being spontaneous. I love being me.datman studios was here wl2
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My Interests

Traveling, shopping, running, dancing, movies, celebrity gossip
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I'd like to meet:

I’m not so sure he’s out there…but a hot boy, older than me who is career minded and willing to work hard, but wants to play even harder. Someone with a flexible schedule so we can be totally spontaneous. He has to be friendly, creative, interesting, athletic, romantic, special, affectionate, silly, caring, willing to compromise, and love everything about me…


I'll listen to just about anything...mostly top 40, some country, rap, R & B, whatever. Madonna, Aerosmith, Britney, Kenny Chesney, Taylor Swift, Garth Brooks, Hilary Duff, Avril Lavigne, Jimmy Buffet, Hot Fudge Sundae...


Airplane, Office Space, anything James Bond or Mel Brooks, 80s Dance movies (Footloose, Flashdance, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun), the Aviator, Toy Story


still mourning the loss of Sex and the City, the Hills, The Girls Next Door, SYTYCD, America's Next Top Model, Project Runway, E!, the Style Network, or Travel Channel.


Cherries in the Snow, The Devil Wears Prada, Bergdorf Blondes, the Second Assistant, Chasing Harry Winston


the Disney Princesses and Jessica Rabbit

My Blog

The seven deadliest fashion sins: No. 7 - Self Denial

It's false humility to think that it's vain to focus on yourself and your clothing needs. Self-denial won't get you to Heaven. Expressing your true self will. Think about it. Is it "too showy" for...
Posted by Debbie on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 01:09:00 PST

My weekend by the numbers

My weekend by the numbers (a la Kate and Megan)   4:30 - time my weekend began on Friday   2000 - dollars, the approximate amount of money our wardrobes were worth Friday night   100+ ...
Posted by Debbie on Sun, 20 May 2007 03:40:00 PST

Peace out 2006

I have never been a big fan of celebrating New Year's.  I think it's a pretty worthless, expensive, and dangerous holiday.  Maybe it's because I've never really had a great New Years, or may...
Posted by Debbie on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 10:16:00 PST