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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .
En el 2007, Zhady (Anhuar Villagran) y Psylence (Hector Ortiz) crean este nuevo proyecto llamado "Sexy Vision".Estos Dj's fusionan sus grandes talentos artisticos creando un sonido unico debido a su combinacion entre High-Tech con Melodic Full-On.
Han tocado alrededor de Mexico llevando su musica a los oidos de los mas exigentes conocedores del Psytrance quedando satisfechos.
Este proyecto se encuentra en constante renovacion para crear tracks mas frescos y dinamicos para competir con los grandes de la escena.
Han tocado al lado de artistas de la talla como: Han Solo,The Freak Show,2 Players,Digi-Tech ,Iron Madness, Pop Stream, Cortex ,Solaris, Antigravity, Zathura,Blue Code,Chronos, Vaktun, Thorus Wrath, Psynergetik, Datura Inoxia, Speedball, Alvanti, Complex entre otros...
En este momento forman parte de Psycun Records!!!
In the 2007, Zhady (Anhuar Villagran) and Psylence (Hector Ortiz) create this new project called " Sexy Vision". These Dj' s fuses their great artistic talents creating a only sound due to their combination between High-Tech with Melodic Full-On. They have touched around Mexico taking its music to the ears of but the demanding satisfied connoisseurs of the Psytrance Scene.
This project is in constant renovation to create Fresh and strong tracks to compete with the great ones of the scene. They have touched next to artists of the stature as: Han Solo , Atari.s,Cosmonautica, The Freak Show, 2 Players, Digi-Tech, Iron Madness, Pop Stream, Cortex, Solaris, Antigravity, Zathura, Blue Code, Chronos, Vaktun, Thorus Wrath, Psynergetik, Datura Inoxia, Speedball, Alvanti, Complex among others…