☆JeFfReY☆R.I.P cUzIn ☆NeSS ☆2.F.e EnT profile picture

☆JeFfReY☆R.I.P cUzIn ☆NeSS ☆2.F.e EnT


About Me

What Can I Say?. I'm 2Fly As A Mother Fucker...lmao!. I'm Dominican. I'm 17 Years Old. I Love To Party && Chill. && Most Of All, I Love GIRLSZ !. =] -JEFFREY HERNANDEZ Wanna Know More?. NAGLEBOYZZ174 HOTBOYZCOA 347-334-8546 ..
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"Oh YESz! Honey jusz hadda come throuqh withhh muchoooo amorrrrr para mii papii chuloooo Jeffreyy. qotsz crazyy love for you boo '&+ yesz we alwaysz qoinq to be too flyy toqether! your like soo fwreakiinq sessie and im oh soo hawt! toqetherr we'ree makinq bisshesz cryy haha; lovee youu boo 2fE all dayy ;-) --Honey!""THIS Cinthia well wat can i say bout Jeffrey, he kool he's there wen i need him he also got my bak we talk on the phone and text each other and we just talk bout stupid shyt but tats y he my buddy he's a kool person to talk to and to hang out and to chill but wat i have to say bout him is tat his the best and am always goin to be there for wen he needs mi just like how his there for mi u guys should try to get to knw him i bet u'll love him LOL LMFAO =]"wuhss realli quhdd. dihs yah chik liSbEth hakinqq into dee manitoz pqq. dihss nikkuh i lovee him to death. hess alwaiz dea nd he hass mah baqqk all da timee.hess a cool as dudee to chyll wit. ndd yehss chikss maa bro ihs sinqlee so qhet at him l0lS =D.nwaihzz manito .ill alwaiz have ur bak wen evaa nd where eva.ndd foo dee hatazz. fukk off.cuhz ma manito dont need no fukinqq drama nd B.S aiqqhtss.=] hackkedd on 052108 loveeyou manitto! ayO ! WASZ GUddi..DiS BEh AMiNA HACKiN MAh bOO PAqE =] MENq...iDK WAt 2 WRiTE BOUt HiM, HESZ sO FCUKiN kOOl =] &&+ SEXi ;] ERRiDAi WEN i COME hOME fROM SKOOl..i GOtA HiT HiM uP ..iM ADDiCtEd 2 TAlKiN 2 HiM..i CANt qO A DAi WiTOUt TAlKiN 2 HiM...iF i DUNt, dEN All i dO iSZ THiNK BOUt HiM..LiKE DAMN i MiSS MAAh bOO && I WONdER WAt HE DOiN & SHYt HE MAAd SWeet ...&& dAYUM DID I MENtiON HE FCKiiN SEXi =] lOl..iDK WAt ElSE 2 WRiTE MENq...SOO JEAA...i FCKKiiN lOVE YUh bOO : Hey myspace headz diz be ur grl yossi hankin into jeff pg I been threw a lot wit diz nikka me and him r really good friends even though we fight and get mad at eachother he knows he can come to me 4 advice wen ever he wants I'm here for thiz nikka =) ): myy friendd jeffreyy....wee been downn for madd longg....hes alwayz deree forr mee wenn i needd himm...i tell him alott i can trustt himm witt ne thingg....GIRLZ dontt fuckk aroundd witt jeffreyy...iff u gett himm madd orr ne thingg u gonnaa hav too deall witt meee IIGHT!!!.....welll imm outtt....I LOVE U JEFFREY!! WelL DuMb DeAR JeFf.. lol WUt CaN i SAii BouT You?.. well even if ur a dumb loser u r also my fav. cousin n dike the "cool" one! lolz.. n even if u try 2 get dumb on me all the time i still love you!.. lol i mean is wut cousin do righ? lolz n nha B. KeEp it up it ya 2 f.e shitt. lolz u cool like that.. LoVE YOu CuZ..< FroM Ur SeXy AsS Lil CuZin VeRO> lolz.. hehe u know how we do n we cool like that.. ight 1 : Hey this is EBONY hacking to jeffreys page so wht can I say bout him his a really cool kiddo love him to death I cud trust him with all my heart his being there for me when I had problems [in tht stupid skool lhs] lolz but basically his the kind of person tht wudnt hurt u at the beginning I didn't like him until he showed me tht he wasent like other boys an he has feelings =) his madh cute in the inside and out thts why I love him soo muchh his my hermanito BEST FRIEND =) LOVE U JEFF OHHZ P.S LADIEZZ HIS SINGLEEEEE!!! HOLLAAAA j3Ff3Ry yUR tH3 B3St &+ YU AlWAiiSz WiLL B3 =] YUR A qO0D ASSz FRi3Nd ANd YUR AlWAii'Sz tH3R3 WH3N ii N33d YU tH3 MOSt . . YUR A TRU3 NiqqA ANd ANy qiRL WOUlD B3 LUCkky tO B3 YUR WiiF3yy . . . YU HAV3 S0 MUCH qOiN 4 YU ANd YU N3VA l3T ANiiON3 BRiNq YU DOWN;; YU StAY B3iN A qO0D ASSz P3RS0N ANd tHAt WiLL N3VA CHANq3 . . iiLY j3Ff =] ANd iM ALWAiiSz qUNNA B3 H3R3 fOR YU jUSt LiK3 YU AR3 fOR M3 =]LaDii3 BlAz3 =] dimeeloo itsz yah qirl CLARii.=] hackin to her lubbyy jeffreysz pq ya tu sabeee. ! wah can i sayy bout him he mahd FUNNY nd really sweet nd def. honest wiff mehh =D pero jhea man dnt disrepect him cusz yuh den disrepectin mehh haha tuu sabee klk.. well imahh leave it hurr.! . ::un0::