i LOVE to shop sLeep..sLeep and sLeep,enjoy being with my babie tou, definatly love Eating,wOrkin with haiR,sinGinG, pLaying video games and also Love to stare at paintings all day! yup!
I'D LovE tO Meet AnGeLIna JoLie! she'S jusT GoRgeous! LOve the Lips! and Last buT nOT Least My Babie...been aWhiLe sinCe i've Met hiM!
i Listen to watever thats gOod such as; R&B, hip hop, country, and watever else...OH yea and some Oldies..tOo ReaLLie depends on what mOOd i am in..
i LOve to watch wHite chicks, the note book, and OMG! this kOrean movie drives me nuTs!.."Save The Last Dance For Me". JeZZZz..that one guy is Super Hot!
i Love watching music awards, sOmetimes BET, vH1, FuLL House, Fresh Prince, and FamiLy Guy.
My FamiLy..weLL most of the time, but i think i cannot live without theM. ALso, my BaBie he's always there for me and i LOve him for that!