We're dedicated to bring you the latest news about all the badass shows Alternative Press is bringing out here to Atlanta!
Invite your friends to add us! We love bands, friends, animals and whoever's left.
Come out to our shows and
meet your Alternative Press Street Teamers!
More of our photos: here!
Here's things I know you're asking. :)
1. Q: So what's the deal about our blogs being private?
A: Our blogs are set to private so our official teamers can get organized and get in contact with each other.
2. Q: What's so official about the official teamers?
A: The five applied and were chosen by those at the magical AP headquarters. They are: Kim, Tambra, Ashley, Heather and Julie. Hi everyone! You can have a chat with any of us; we're open to a good conversation on our comment page or our individual pages.
3. Q: What can I do?
A: We have loads of tours that are assigned to us to work promotions for. Sometimes, there are open spaces on the guest list that, if allowed, we open it up to you (YES!!) if you're interested in helping out. We shall let you know!
4. Q: What upcoming shows will you be at?
A: You can definitely come say hello to us at these following Atlanta shows.
REEL BIG FISH- JAN 17th5. Q: Can I send you my show pictures from those tours?
A: Of course! If you have any show pictures or just anything cool that happens at these shows that you'd like to share with us, send it over! We'll put it up. Yep, the big guys at AP do see these and they'd love them!
6. Q: Can you help sign my band or send the music to AP?
A: As much as we'd love to, we don't have any control as to who or what Alternative Press puts in their magazine. Sorry, but good luck! We love our Atlanta locals and we hope them all the best!
I hope that answers some of your questions. If you have any others, please message us. We'll see you out there!
Atlanta AP Street Team .. .. ....