*Ride Daily, Celebrate Monthly!*
Everyone is welcome!
No special ability! No special equipment!
Critical Mass is a monthly bike ride downtown to celebrate the community of city-life and the virtues of bicycling; a fun and sustainable alternative to driving in the city.
"No one leads it, no one controls it, no one plans its routes, and no one is its spokesperson" (Carlsson 2002:73).
CRITICAL MASS IS MORE THAN JUST A BIKE RIDE. It is a space where we come together to share a public life, to exchange ideas and swap stories, and to imagine together what a different life may be like... Critical Mass is an experiment in alternative political expression, an attempt to establish organic communities with the strength and vision to fight for a better way of life. Among other things, we want more places for pedestrians, children, bicyclists, public gardens, more parks and open spaces, but also a different social system: less rushing, less buying-and-selling frenzy, more enjoyment of social life, more community, more FUN! (Carlsson 2002:241) Get a Cursor!