I am a very skinny beautiful dog, I am an Italian Greyhound, my name is VYNO and I like VYNNY for short :)Obviously my parents are gay and I belong to a happy family I have a big brother, he's a miniature pinscher named ROCKETT, he's so cool!!Like you might know by now I am a baby, I am only 4 mos. but I am a great runner. I like to jump all day long... eat.... sleep... pretty much the usual things puppies do. I love lamb and I love beef... I am currently learning to jump rope.I am a very stylish dog. I have everthing I want and I get anything I want. I recently did a photoshoot and I hope you enjoy it. I am being consider for a new job as a Hot Puppy Model. I think I have the body for it dont' you?embed enableJavascript="false" allowscriptaccess="never" allownetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never" style='display:none' src='' AUTOSTART='True'