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About Me

Goodbye hurts more than anything
especially when deep down you know
that youre never going to say hello again
loving you is like writing every dream youve ever had
<333 on a foggy window and slowly watching it f a d e a w a y
Go ahead & tell me all your lies
&& dont forget to add that you love me
its kind of scary to tell your lover "i love you more"
and realize .. <[/b> youre right ]
&& i dont miss him..
i miss who i thought he was <3
they say hate is a strong word,
well so is love, but people
throw it around like its nothing
all i want is one guy to prove they're not all the same
hey! nice to meet you...i'm Sam. but you can call me Sammy =]
Currently your new Obsession
You DON'T Know Me.
You DON'T Know What I Am Capable Of.
You DON'T Know The Damage I Can Do.
...But You Are About To Learn

Please Do Not Add Me If:
::You Want To Boost Your Friend Count::
::You're Adding Me Just For My Looks::
::You Don't Want To Get To Know Me::
::You Aren't Going To Comment And/Or Talk To Me::
life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. if you get a chance, take it . if it changes your life, let it . nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promise it would be worth it.
I am a fucking work of art. I'm only eighteen years of age and have possibly experienced more than you. That is noting to be proud of. I understand how the world works. God or no God the world is crazy , people are crazy. We all want to be like each other . We all want to be liked. If you say "no" than you are lieing. Everyone tries to impress someone. I am insecure. Insecure about my body, my appearence, my homelife. I've learned to live with it, I had no choice. Ive been through depression , horrible friends, horrible boyfriends, etc. I've been to beautiful places, and yet the ugliest. Life is life. Its hard to understand. I am a trooper. I dont complain about faults, but find my strengths. Im not wise, im smart. I know what good friends are and i know what the most horrid are. I can be the best i can. Nothing more, nothing less. But moving on.. I wish you could know me on a higher level
the special someone i'd like to meet one day:
Someone who knows what I need before I say it
Someone who knows when to laugh and when to cry
Someone who truly listens when I have something to say
Someone thats there for me during the good and bad times
Someone who is caring
Someone who loves me with all their heart and soul
Someone who is interested in me in reality and not for my looks
Someone who is honest
Someone I can trust in like a sibling, confide in like a friend, but most of all, love
Someone who is open and responsive
Someone who is never critical and ill-tempered in respect to my needs
Someone who knows things need to be compromised in the relationship
Someone who understands listening is a key
someone who understands using what is heard is important
Someone who is there for me no matter what
Someone who is trustful
Someone who is a friend
Someone who gives me a shoulder to cry on
Someone who has things in common with me
Someone with a great sense of humor
Someone who takes time to listen and enjoy me for who I am
someone who doesn't try to make me something else
Someone with a constant open ear, open heart, and open mind to accept people
Someone who will always be there to support my ideas without argument
someone who will love me for everything I am
Someone who knows exactly what they want, and that im it
Someone that can get a point across without yelling at me
Someone that has a personality with qualities I dont have
Someone who realizes were two separate people, and appreciates the differences
Someone who can sense my mood problem, and not take it personally
Someone who understands the difference between PMS, and a real problem
Someone who can make me happy when Im sad
Someone who tells me the truth even if I dont want to hear it
Someone who will not hurt me intentionally
Someone who is a sweet, romantic person who cherishes me no matter what
Someone that I can laugh with
Someone who I can feel comfortable with
someone that I dont care what kind of weird stuff they see me do
someone I know will still love me no matter what
Someone who will love me in spite of my little idiosyncrasies
Someone who is a great pal, a great kisser, and a great lover!
Someone who allows me to be myself around them
Someone who will respect me
Someone who cherishes my hopes and is kind to my dreams
Someone who knows Im not perfect, but treats me as though I am
Someone who listens with their heart and is my source of inspiration
someone who loves me for my advantages but even more for my flaws
someone who loves me for me!
I hate being lonely but eehh it has it's perks. I trust with everything I have until I am betrayed, which seems to happen too much. I've been hurt too many times to count, but in exchange i have friends that stick by me through thick -and- thin. I'm strong and independent, stubborn and I'm a sucker for sweet talk , and I'm a hopeless romantic. I love the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. rather it be because of a crazy spinny ride or a kiss on the cheek from a guy. I'm a big softie at Heart. I'm always laughing & I'm always happy I'm really crazy, really hyper and really random I only hope for A nice boy who cares about me & isn't afraid to show it. Someone who will whisper sweet nothings in my ear. Someone musical & creative Someone who will pick a flower for me & give it to me for no reason at all. Someone who will take funny pictures with me & laugh with me, but will also hold me close & cry with me when I'm upset . Someone who's a child at heart, & will have fun with me. Someone who will keep me warm when I'm cold. Someone who will DANCE with me, even if there's no music playing. Someone who will know all my flaws & LOVE me regardless of them. Someone who will cheer me up when I'm down . Someone whose eyes i can look into, & see right into their soul. It's a shame I'm such a wishful thinker, because I doubt I'll ever find him
One might think that I am too sentimental , that I believe in the Fairy Tale Romance that I am not realistic enough...and maybe i am all that. but whats wrong with that. I believe all relationships should be patient,loving, and understanding. you shouldnt jump at the chance to discard it so quickly everytime something goes wrong--a relationship is not something that should be swallowed only when sweet but spit out when it's not. I've always been courageous in front of love. I've always put the others first before myself. I've even swallowed my pride many, many times, because what good is pride if you don't have LoVe...? Call me the biggest fool in the world, but I still care, even though I know I shouldn't...
I'm tired of these games
It seems like with every guy it's the same. A past that remains their present. Girls never knowing where they stand In these so-called "relationships". I like the simpleness in life. I don't need to talk about sex 24/7 to attract all the users, the abusers. I don't have to wear scandalous clothes or flirt, because if that's what it takes to get a man, chances are he won't stay yours for long. I want a guy that looks deep into my eyes and doesn't stare at my chest, pretending he "understands".while other girls ask for the world I ask for a rose to save on a shelf, they ask for bouquets to throw out the very next day I ask for a hand to hold, they ask for money to spend I ask for a hug, they ask for diamonds I ask for love, they ask for your will. I ask for commitment. I'm tired of putting my heart out there for guys to treat me like crap. Somehow, LOVE is twisted Because the women that fool you get your attention They tell you they love you after sliding out of someone else's bed You tell them you love them, thinking you're the only one they've had. I tell you I Love You and I wait by the phone while you never once bothered to say it back or even call. Don't get me wrong, it isn't just men, women are just as shady. But i'm tired of it all, i'm tired of the games We're tired of hearing girls tell you they love you, and miss you, to stop by late at night, and giggle their asses off. While you men play it off, and say their just "friends".The last time I checked, FRIENDS DON'T KISS The last time I checked, you are where your heart wants to be and to be honest, it's not always going to be me. I never asked for much, but I deserve more then what I ask for. No one asks for a mind reader But to cross your minds at all would be nice. Because just like you men, I have feelings too. Deep down girls really do want the fairytale, I know I want it all to come true. I'm not Cinderella , and If you're the type of guy that's going to mess with my heart I'm tellin' ya now, I won't put up with you. Because when the pain of holding on, is greater then letting go, Then Let Go . Hold on to your woman, take care of your man, cause if you don't, someone else will. don't say I Love You until you actually mean it. love means nothing.. until you actually find someone worth loving. i want someone to care for. i want him.. to find me. i'm done with searching for something that isn't there anymore.
I've L O S T my voice from screaming for someone to find me . affection is more than i could want right now. . . desperate for someone to discover all the LOVE i have to offer.. it's Killing me... searching searching... My expedition's over
“It hurts to { love } someone and not be { loved } in return, but what is the most painful is to { love } someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel .”
If you know that something is not right for you, then you should get away from it--at least that's the logical thing to do, but when emotions get involved, it messes everything up I guess I have always been a sucker when it comes to emotions and Love . I just want so much to feel wanted and loved that I just give and give, usually too much for my own good and at the end I always find myself deep in an emotional sand trap--the more I try to Get out , the more sucked in I get...and the more hurt i get. Maybe I should be a little colder and try not to care as much then maybe I won't suffocate in the sand trap ...but...that's easier said then done.
I am Random
I'm really 18...but myspace is ya know, pretty much queer , so i had to put an older age to let al you losers look at my profile
I love to be crazy with my friends
I love Kissing and cuddling... mostly i just love the attention
I don't think I look like my parents at all
I have a strange personality...I can change from sweet to a bitch in SECONDS
I make really weird faces [so people say]
its funny seeing me push my way through people
I look around when i talk [so people say]
I don't like school
I forgive but I never forget
I really am a cool person to talk to...i promise
ya i'm like in love with this little bioch lately...were freakin awsomer than you!
I love to have fun
I think i deserve more then to live in this snob of a town
I think short term relationships are queer
i hate to be hurt... dont we all, so please, dont hurt me
im a lover, not much of a hater, unless u gimme a reason
im outgoing
i never settle for anything less than the best
CrAZy... is an understatement
spoiled.. at times
Alot of people say I'm a push over, because they think I'm too nice to people
I come off as the biggest flirt even though its not my intentions to
I like to be left alone when Im upset
I'm not a patience person
Im slightly a computer nerd
I'm a worry wart, I worry about stupid stuff ALL the time
I don't really work well under pressure
I am stressed out to achieve my goals
I happen to get very mad/frustrated super easy so dont say anything to me that would hit my sensitive spot
I absolutely cannot take a compliment
i am very sensitive about things people say to me
i am not weird i am just unique
I despise hypocrites ... They are so...umm...hypocritical
I love looking back at old memories i have
I love to savor the moment
I get really attached to things and people
im different and i adore it. =]
i hate socks
when im older i want to be a famous actress and/or singer
i wish i had a british's cool
sometimes i love to cry
i write my own songs
im a cancer
I love almost all colors except yellow
i daydream alot
my eyes are hazelish mostly green but some say i have blue eyes? hum..?
i laugh at almost anything and everything
I don't believe in god , deal with it.
I am agnostic.[don't ask me what it is, i'll shoot you.]
I want to fall in love
I'm a sarcastic person
I love to smile, i ain't no emo fag
I think i'm always right
I've heard my personality is addicting
I love the smell of guys cologne
I say FUCK with it.
I'm not a mean person.I just like messing around a lot
I hate controlling and obsessivee guys
People think I'm funny, even though I'm just being myself. So I guess I'm considered a goofball
I say stupid things to see everyone's reaction, because Im weird like that and dont seem to care what people think
I think peer pressure is gay!
Im a lil physco somtimes =]
I'm too difficult to figure out most of the time
I hate math and science, because these are my worst subjects
I have ADHD
some of my good friends are in Israel (but my best friend in the USA is Mary =D lol)
I wear mostly jeans I have a ton of them
most of my friends are guys
I love clothes
I'm a Complicated Individual
It's Difficult to capture my essence
i push myself beyond comfort zone
I'm strong mentally and physically {at least I try to make it appear so}
I'm fragile
I can be insecure
I love singing & Dancing
I'm LOUD, energetic,& outgoing
I always wear black eyeliner
If you don't like my attitude you can FUCK OFF because I have plenty of people who DO! =)
Sometimes I push the limits
I'm obsessed with my family and friends
I hate it when I'm cold
I despise FAKE people
I hate people who cancel plans in the last moment
Picture Fanatic
Camera Whore
Computer Junkie
Myspace addict
I'm independent
I wanna have my own band
i like to get what i want {that doesnt always happen}
im pickey
i cant stand people that lie
some people call me a slut... jelous? i think so
some people call me a bitch ... it can be true
dont lie to me, because if i find out, then maybe 'BITCH' is an understatement...
I hate that awkward silences
Im never satisfied with what I do
I LOVE my close friends, and i also wanna say thanks guys! for being there when iv been at my worst, and [for some] not judging me by it
I tell it like it is
Im WILD , so dont hold me back
I don't like mean people, ur gay!
I hate people who start drama
I trust people too easily
Im late all most all the time
I only talk shit if YOU start shit.
I love to make people laugh..and I'm pretty good at it
Im jewish and freaking PROUD of it
I cant be bought
I hate ignorant people who always think there right NEWS FLASH ur WRONG
I live in my own little world
dont classify me
I love using words I made up in an everyday conversation
I hate it when people think they know me
I regret a lot of things in my life
I take {LOTS OF} chances, good and bad, and i face the consequences [after my failed attempt to get out of the trouble i cause]
I have had my heart broken 2 many times... it sucks
Im not afraid to show you the real me
I [usually] dont fight, that doesnt mean im afraid
I am very opinionated, but hardly close minded
Ill sing even if I don't know the words
I believe everything happens for a reason {although I usually don't understand the reason}
I hate people watching my every move, cause most of the things you're not supposed to know, you don't want to.
I go through these mood changes. hope you dont catch me on my bad days... it can get scary !!
I expect to be forgiven for everything but it never happens
I HATE controlling people, i cant be controlled, do not try to control me, i will get pissed :)
you want to know something about me- ask
I'm shy in the beginning but when I start feeling comfortable I go crazy
Oh yea and BTW...this is MY i think i can put whatever i want on if you have a problem with it...then too effin bad okay...I most likely dont care about you ;)
Im Kinda Sorta In A Relationship..just to tell everyone..Hes Amazing =)
Chinese Food Is The Greatest
I Dont Like When People Run Away From Their Feelings Cause It Does no good
I Know What Its Like To Be Competely Heart-Broken
{black} Eyeliner=love
I can get Very Emoitinal sometimes
so with that....
ADD ME ....yaya! oh and if you want you can ask me for my msn/icq/AOL
i effing love you....♥
o and ps...Im a rapist...ask my friends ....[tehe] ♥
As we grow up ,
we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to EVER let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i'll love you 4ever if i'll open my myspace and see this:

I Love You

My Blog

Beatmaters at the Cat-Fish Festival

The AWESOME beatmasters at our first performance Cat Fish Festival-Beatmasters
Posted by on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 06:48:00 GMT

class hip hop dance

you can see how bad i messed up
Posted by on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 14:43:00 GMT

Check out this video: adams birthday

Check out this video: adam's birthday Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 17:38:00 GMT

my Bitchology

                         MY BITCHOLOGY          ...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 10:07:00 GMT

a song i wrote a long time ago

Don't know what to do anymore I'm about to break Can't take this no longer How do I stop this ache? Old memories keep filling my head I just can't let you go Why does this have to hurt so bad? I just ...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 13:49:00 GMT's cool!

1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?7. How long do you think we will be frien...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 14:19:00 GMT