Member Since: 1/7/2008
Influences: influenciados por Link Wray, Los Straitjackets, Man or Astroman?, The Mexican Horror Movies,The Neanderthals, hombres de las cavernas y trogloditas. Las Ultras&..nicas, Billy Childish, EL LOCO VALDES, Santisimos Snorkels, , The Mummies, Phantom Surfers and....alright Wau y los Aaaaargs!!. The Beatles, Los teen tops, Tin tan, Las Carcomas. Deadly Weapons, GLAMOUR PUSSIES, Twang Marvels, Los Angeles Azules, Richie Valens, Pollo del Mar, Rock-a-Hulas, Imperial Surfers, Stupor Stars, Big Sandy etc etc.....
Type of Label: None