My first contact with so called rap music began in the secondary school. I found this kind of culture rich and wide.
So I love rap the most.
My first appearances on the stage were in Maribor, in 2002, with the group named D.R.B..
We communicated for a very short period of time. Then I continued my music career on my own.
In 2003 I recorded the first demo CD »Words are guilty« ( Krive so besede) and by that time my cooperation with Hobosapiens began. This was the time I realized the very real meaning of music and its quality indeed.
I also had some performances all aroud the coutry and I recorded the second and the third demo CD, exactly in 2005.
Later the connection between me and the RIP group appeared.
My fourth demo CD »I live for rap« is in progress at the moment. I suppose it’s going to be great. I has already been introduced on the radio and a few concerts. The CD will be found on the shelves this summer.
Enjoy yourselves while listening to my music.
Ze od nekdaj rad pisem.
Rap sem zacutil v dusi ob prvem zagledanju luci ulic, ko sem obcutil, kako hladne so lahko besede ljudi, kako tezke so posledice hladnih dejanj, kako hladen je svet, ki nas obkroza,svet, v katerem zivimo, koliko je negativne energije in kako upanja umirajo. Zato delam rap!