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About Me

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I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I can't tell you everything about me, cuz it seems like everyday I'm finding out something new or something is changing. But I'll tell you what I know up to right now...
I'm very passionate about what I want to do. I like to dive in head first. I usually think it out well before I dive but sometimes I still dive in too fast and it gets me into trouble. When I fail I become very disappointed, and sometimes it's a stuggle to try again. But I try not to dwell on failure too much and keep on keepin on.
If my personality was any more mixed I'd swear I was schizophrenic. Maybe it's just the difference between how I was raised and the person I am now. I grew up in a fairly strict Christian household and have since wilded out something fierce. So a lot of me is in constant contradiction. But I'm cool with who I am right now. There are some things I'd change but I figure change will come when it's ready.
I'm intelligent and well spoken, but err now and then the Nigga comes out too. I like having fun at stupid people's expense. I think a lot about everything. I like watching the sun come up. I think the best art is in nature. I also think sex is an art (when done right) not just an act. A lot of people think I'm real serious when they first meet me, but I'm just observant. I'll notice things that other people just look over. But once you get to know me I'm goofy as hell.
I love women; though, due to recent experiences, they have to earn my respect individually instead of having it as a group like they used to. I hate pansay ass men who kiss womens asses like they have the bird flu antedote on 'em. I think women should be appreciated, not worshiped. If you're a female and you like walking all over men, and getting them to answer your every beck and call, stop reading. You got the wrong Man.
I eat pussy.
My home is on a dance floor, so if you like to hit the club more for the music than the alcohol than definitly holla at me. Don't get me wrong tho, we can get down with some drink too. One night my boy decided to mix Hypnotiq and Sprite and it was good as hell. We named it "Lime Dilusion." Put that on!
Anything else you wanna know, just hit me up. I'm an open book. You know where the message button is at.

My Interests

Sports (ball, football, tennis, soccer); Sex, not just the act but everything surrounding it; learning; creativity; intellect; fitness; life; people; poetry; MUSIC; natural art (ever watched ants work?); not ever in that order.

I'd like to meet:

You. Send me a message and let's conversate.


My tastes are ecclectic. I love music, and I don't believe that you can truly love music without being able to find at least one song in every genre that appeals to you. To be honest I'm pretty disappointed with the music scene right now, at least commercially. Though I love Hip-Hop and R'n'B they have strayed from the roots of originality, sincerity and creativity to become cookie cutter lyrics with different beats. I don't care what anyone says, Chris Brown is garbage. I'll take some ol' school anyday. Give me the Isleys, give me Al Grits, Marvin Gaye, the Temptations, Stevie Wonder. I love good jazz too. When I'm pissed off my dial goes straight to jazz. Gotta have some neo-soul too... Jill Scott, Gaopele, Rhiann Benson, Musiq, Common. As far as hip-hop, it's about Kan the Louis Vittuon don, Kanye West is always in my CD changer. Jay-Z IS the greatest rapper of all time, and if Tupac wasn't dead people would admit it. Don't get me wrong Pac is amazing and he opened doors, but the crown has to be passed eventually. Michael Jordan can't be the greatest forever either. Talib Kweli, Organic Thoughts, Paul Wall (but I can't stand Mike Jones) The Roots. I don't dig too much country or hard rock, but I like some cuts. I wanna talk about me, by Toby Keith is my jam! Gretchen Wilson is nice. Smells like Teen Spirit is one of my favorite rock songs, and I dig some classic rock too. Well that's enough, you get the point.


Go See Armaggeddon, Shreck 1&2, the Lion King, the Count of Monte Cristo, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Undercover Brother, Crash, the Fast and the Furious (yeah, I know), the American President, Star Trek First Contact, Stalag 17, The Thomas Crowne Affair, Entrapment, the Mask of Zorro


CSI Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Smallville, Prison Break, Family Guy, Veronica Mars, Arrested Development


Memiors of a Geisha, John Grishim, crime novels, Code 211 blue


My parents. They've been together for 25 years, married for almost 23. I asked my mom a couple months ago if she ever gets bored. She said no before I finished the question. That kind of love doesn't exist much anymore. We should all be so lucky.

My Blog


Sometimes I sit and think about my life and I ask myself, "How did you get to this exact point in your life?"  I wonder about the differences in my personality and my convitions, even just my gen...
Posted by G on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 12:23:00 PST