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About Me

? OCTOBER = HOTTIE "Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun. Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a crowd. Essentially very smart. If you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind."LIBRA - The Asshole (9/23-10/22) Caring and kind. Smart. Center of attention. High appeal. Has the last word. Good to find, hard to keep. Fun to be around. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good Sense of Humor!!! Thoughtful. Always gets what he or she wants. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet.href=""> Hot Premade Layouts - Music Bands - Animals - Movies I edited my profile at . check out these Myspace Layouts!
Confidence and charm will get you far. I've always been a free bird. Don't be predictable. I don’t believe in forcing someone to like you. I feel like certian personalities/signs mesh better than others. Not everyone is gonna like you. I love to engage. I'm a storyteller. My laugh is rather...interesting. I think you know after two dates if there's anything there, often times one. I don’t have regrets; I just learn and move on. I love to jump! I love putting myself in random situations and seeing the outcome. I love taking chances. I believe in the phrase, “What do you have to lose?” I’m’s more fun that way. I don’t judge and don’t care if someone is judging me. I usually remember quite a bit of my dreams. Some better left unsaid...and that goes for life in general. I feel that dreams are compiled of things, people, and events you have recently encountered mixed with your subconscience. As far as symbolism, not sure I would read too much into that. I don’t plan ahead- commitment phobe. And for those of you who don't know, PLANS CHANGE! I give everyone a chance. I don’t let just anyone in. I shut down when it comes to talking about feelings. I hate waiting on people. I used to be a cat lover but am now converting to dogs. I love my job! I wonder how people who lack common sense get through life. I love hats and accesories. I have 5 sibblings. I can be very stubborn. Music has the power to lift my spirit or melt my heart. I say whatever’s on my mind. I’ve been in love once and only plan to love once more. I go with the flow. I feel like jinxing and knocking on wood should be foolish; but for some reason, it seems to always work for/against me. I don't think wishing will get you anywhere. Make it happen! I work hard and play harder. Girls are crazy and guys are confusing. I’m a smooth operator;). I hate when I think of things too late. I’m very playful. People who whistle creep me out. I don’t need a lot of sleep, but I like to sleep with the T.V on. I’m a Reality T.V. dork. I have to eat my toast fresh. I love when people can call themselves out- shows self awareness. Stupid comments are undeserving of a response. I am not scared of pain, because I know it's only temporary. I’m a decent speller. I can be very sarcastic. Sometimes, all you have to do is ask. I’m not scared of death but sad to leave everyone behind. I’m always trying to improve. I've learned that boys hate the word "maybe". I love to laugh and thrive off making others laugh. You can only count on yourself, and don't believe half the things people tell/promise you...especially out here. I am all about looking out for other people. I am always expanding my friend circle and expanding the circles of others. Hence, I'm a mass texter. I forgive but never forget. I’m amazed by earth’s creations, and a sunset still moves me. Stop...take a breath...and appreciate. I thrive off meeting new people. I think you can learn something from everyone. I cry when I feel helpless. I can't hold onto a phone for the life of me. I’ve never been in a fight, never had to, don’t plan to, but think I could probably take someone out if I had to. I've finally heard myself scream in a dream. I’ve paved the way for myself my whole life, but I have also let my life pan out on its own. You'll find life will run a lot smoother if you just get things done immediately when you think of it; otherwise, you'll put it off, forget, and have to backtrack. Coincidences are so intriguing to me and how much of an impact they have on your life. RSVP stands for répondez s'il vous plaît, which is french for "Respond Please", for those of you who have gone a quarter of your life and still don't know. Are you smarter than a 5th grader....are you?? I wish I was 2 inches taller. Yes, I wish I was a baller. I’m a leader but wasn’t always one. I think everyone has their own values, interests, and beliefs; and I choose not to challenge them. Pet peeve- when people step on the back of my shoe more than one. Oh, and when I have to repeat myself. I still love mac&cheese, spaghetti o's, pb&j, and hot dogs. MY PARTY ALWAYS ROCKS! I don’t read too deeply into things. Love being kissed on the forehead, ear, and neck. I think guy’s hip lines are sooo sexy. I don’t like too buff, like when your neck is almost as wide as your head. I make the best of everything. I bruise easily. I feel like it’s not necessarily where you’re at, but who you’re with that depicts your fun level. I’d rather be out doing something over watching T.V, movies, taking naps, or reading books- I get restless. I value and learn from personal experience. I'm obsessed with peanut M&M's. I love to play tennis, golf, and hike. Word of Advice: Be choosy who you say what to, cause it usually gets back and twisted around. I'd rather save my breath, keep things bottled up, and save an argument. NOT worth it in the end. With that said, I'm a great secret keeper. Keep your friends closer, and enemies out of your life. I love the self-fulfilling feeling of being able to help someone out. I believe in staying in shape for the rest of my life. I’ve cried during a commercial. I can take constructive criticism. Where did all the normal people go? I love massages, mani's, and pedi's. I am quick witted. I am rational. I don’t let people or bad situations bring me down. We all go through shit in our lives, so just deal with it- there is always someone who is worse off. I can carry a tune and shake my money maker. I am an amazing gleeker! Love to entertain and make people laugh. I am so grateful to have been brought up in the Midwest but so happy to be on the West Coast now. I think people from the Midwest can drink anyone under the table…or at least not ever back down or turn down a drink/shot. I look at “the scene” out here from an outside perspective. I love eating at new places. Even though Cabo’s queso is only rotel (the way mama made it), I still heart it. I go to Saddle Ranch for their cobb salads and bottomless mimosas. I can do clubs every once in while, but I truly appreciate the time spent at a bar or house party. Sunday Funday’s are the best day of the week- last day to get it all out of your system. I’m always up for beer pong, flip cup, and theme parties. The love for my family continues to grow. I’m scared of skiing but willing to learn. I really want to learn how to surf. I’ve never been sky diving or bungee jumping but would try it in a heartbeat. I still have a lot to learn and a lot to see.

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