Alright about to be 25...I live in Seoul now.... and I fuckin rock so hard....This Survey is Rockin:
Your Life: The Soundtrack
Opening credits: What I Got - Sublime
Waking up: Sabatoge- Beastie Boys
Average day: LDN- Lilly Allen
First date: Fergalicious- Fergie
Falling in love: Lovefool- The Cardigans
Love scene: Like a virgin-Madonna (Thanks Suz, I'll never live this down)
Fight scene: Kung fu fighting- Carl Douglas
Breaking up: Sitting, waiting, wishing- jack johnson
Getting back together: Bad Moon Rising- CCR
Secret love: Secret lovers-Atlantic Starr
Life's okay: Why Can't we be Friends- War
Mental breakdown: The sky is crying- Stevie Ray Vaughn
Driving: Birds- Butthole Surfers
Learning a lesson: Paint it Black- The Stones
Deep thought: Man in Black- Johnny Cash
Flashback: Memory- Barbara Steisand
Partying: Wasted- Black Flag
Happy dance: Mexican Hat Dance
Regreting: Trapped in a Box- No Doubt
Long night alone: Blister in the Sun - Violent Femmes
Death scene: Give my Love to Rose- Johnny Cash
Closing credits: I feel the Earth Move- Carole King
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