The Governments of the World want you to FORGET!!!!!!
The world has been quieted to the disaster of Chernobyl. Most people don't even realize that such a catastrophe occurred
On the 26th of April, 1986, the world's WORST NUCLEAR DISASTER occured at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Ukraine when Reactor No. 4 exploded.
The radioactive fallout spread across the World, mainly affecting Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, and the rest of Europe.
The disaster led to the abandonment of over 2000 villages, the evacuation of over 200,000 people & the deaths of thousands.
Chernobyl & the surrounding areas are still abandoned, uninhabitable and radioactive to this day and will be for hundreds of years. No more lush vegetative growth may take place; and people may no longer populate this area. The city of Kiev was once considered to be the most beautiful city in Russia, but will not bear life for hundreds of years.
Help stop Nuclear Power now which will lead to Nuclear Holocaust later!!!!