I enjoy drinking adult beverages, automobiles, nursing: my occupation, driving around with the convertable top down. I love shopping, especially at Macy's. I also enjoy drinking, smoking a little weed. I'd really like to go out more often, and meat new people.
Anybody who'll buy me a drink; Anybody who'd like to take a ride with the top down in my convertable(except old men); Anybody who'll buy me a drink(except bald men); I don't discriminate or judge people(unless your rude, ignorant, or annoying); People I went to school with; BUT MOSTLY: men of the armed forces.......... My personal adventures latley make clear one thought: as it turns out my mom was correct, men really are pigs! If you care to argue that point, shoot me a message, for real.
I can appriceate just about anything
Books??? Are they for real?
I put myself on a pedistle (is that how you spell that?) I don't consider it being conceided, just self confident. AND All of our troops at home and abroad. I really appriceate what yall guys are doing for us. Come home soon boys! I miss ya!