Cycling, Tattoos, Music, Art, Rope Tricks, Tarpelin Material, Autoethnography, F-26 Felt.
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Jawbreaker, Thumbnail, Braid, The Lapse, Pitchfork, Drive Like Jehu, The Postal Service, Gorilla Biscuits, Jets to Brazil, Mineral, Karate, Nada Surf, Swiz, Issac Hayes, Seven Story Mountain, The Promise Ring, Cave In, Rye Coalition, Dead Guy, Citizen's Arrest, Refused, Nick Drake, Swiz, Tight Bros., Koufax, Sufjan Stevens, plus many more...
Friere, Ziff, Gendlin, Bruner, Giroux, Gilmour, Gombrich, Elkins and Singerman. Pychon, Robert Penn Warren, Roald Dahl, Hunter S. Thompson.