Jason profile picture


I'm a bit broken.

About Me

I have been a bike messenger, was in a straight edge and emo band, a bouncer at a bar, a public school teacher and a blacksmith. I make sculpture, teach it at a college, race bicycles, collect records, and explore NYC whenever I have the time. This is just a small part of who I am.

My Interests

Cycling, Tattoos, Music, Art, Rope Tricks, Tarpelin Material, Autoethnography, F-26 Felt.

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Jawbreaker, Thumbnail, Braid, The Lapse, Pitchfork, Drive Like Jehu, The Postal Service, Gorilla Biscuits, Jets to Brazil, Mineral, Karate, Nada Surf, Swiz, Issac Hayes, Seven Story Mountain, The Promise Ring, Cave In, Rye Coalition, Dead Guy, Citizen's Arrest, Refused, Nick Drake, Swiz, Tight Bros., Koufax, Sufjan Stevens, plus many more...


Friere, Ziff, Gendlin, Bruner, Giroux, Gilmour, Gombrich, Elkins and Singerman. Pychon, Robert Penn Warren, Roald Dahl, Hunter S. Thompson.

My Blog


where is it?
Posted by Jason on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

endless hours of research while rockin' the emo tunes

It seems that even before the semester has begun my research for my dissertation never ended. I did take a week off and had an interesting time in NC, but even while there I did research. In a way thi...
Posted by Jason on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST