Black Mobb Gangstaz profile picture

Black Mobb Gangstaz

About Me

Welcome to the Black Mobb Gangstaz music page..B.M.G has three members which is DoughBoy, Nucentz, and Youngskrilla. The crunk, slick, Hardcore Rap group..just got on they feet with a studio provided by L Block Ent..And they will be on the map soon..They coming Hit after Hit, and they really got talent....The group bring to much talent to the table..and they just dont do hardcore rap, they have music for the ladies, and have music to get you out your sit and act a damn fool...They is the Crunk of the north.....MEMBERSDoe Boii (22): This guy right here is a go getta, he is one of the ceo's of youngsquad ent, And he has great talent.... and bring the hypeness and crunk to the group....Nucentz (21): This man is the common sense and the pretty boy of the group...With out this guy B.M.G wouldve probally fell off.. But thats not all he has the hardcore lyrics to make u go nuts..crazy metaphores and he is not going to stop....Cheif Skrilla (21): The brother of 810 (SkrillaBoys) His flow is wild, his freestyle is wild, He brings everything you have to offer to the table, His lyrics stay crazy. has various punchlines and he is still learning so its going to be even more sick.....This Group is coming hard and after you let them in the door they staying, they are affliated with to many people to fall off...We jus got on and we staying on...listen to the music and tell us wat chu think..Show that FlintTown love and leave a comment ya dig......B.M.GI get my Free MySpace Layouts at

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Member Since: 06/01/2008
Band Members: Cordell (Doe Boii) - Isaiah (*NuCentZ*) - Q (Cheif Skrilla)
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*NuCentZ* from BmG Freestyle

Record Label: L.BLOCK ENT

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