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I was born in New York, and at this time, I live in Sicily near Taormina. It is my passion creating digital music. I have made many songs in the last 7 years. I started to work on free radio in 1977 mixing sounds to different styles of music, but I haven't quite used experimental music because usually i use pre-made loops. Some times i create new rhythm or new sound and/or voice. I like fusing famous songs togther with the mixer and add some fantasy. Some times, I think I'm lucky because the result of my work is nice... and some times, I'll have one of those bad momments, listen to my work, and delete it because I don't feel good about it or it doesn't sound right, and if I don't like my creation for the momment, I'm sure that other people would not like it either. LOL!!! I am looking for a Record Label or Producer that will like what I've done and contact me.Enjoy the music from me to you with love.djbrizzolato