Pedro Neves, aka Format, started music when he was around 6-7 years old. He had a gift at this time: a bass guitar. Then, after 8-9 years, he started a band of Death Metal called "Sacred Sin", where he played electric guitar. After leaving the band 2 years later (the band keeps trashing nowadays, being respectable in the Metal world), he started searching for new sounds, like listening to the "Underground Sound of Lisbon" CD, the old techno, but it was in the psychedelic world, around 1999, that he discovered the true sound he searched for so long. Neves started to mix with Sony-MiniDiscs in 2000; after that, in 2003, he started to mix with Pioneer CDJs, and in 2004 he finally made the first step into producing music. Now make is step to a new level of music,leaving is old project(shivasplash)... Format,is a mix between full on night,little hard core sometimes
and mistic atmospheres,hes music,mix a little of all night styles,is made with the objective,to clean your mind of your personal fears,like a hard disk when is clean,you clean and Format your mind,with your own program...a free program,where you can be wathever you want...Imagination is our most value in the end you will be the warrior within..., at this time, he continues to explore and learn music production every day.