snow, running, understanding children, becoming multilingual, choreography, african and modern dance, when i am not at work or not in germany, finding time to play with my dear friends.
passersby on the street, all of those people i used to brush off, each and everyone of you. southern spain and basque country.
lately...matesofstate(thank you sammy) cameraobscura stereolab thecongos darkerthanblue neutralmilkhotel talkingheads alicecoltrane rufuswainwright
amores perros, lamumba, blue, city of god, hate, little miss sunshine, big lebowski, in america, documentaries.
in living color, arrested development, sopranos, six feet under
extremely loud and incredibly close (you must read this book it is absolutely amazing!),the stranger, rumi, the prophet, poisonwood bible, franny and zooey, anything about african history (king leopold's ghost).
my mother, my stepfather, my family. my siblings, all four of them. my dear friends, anne lazovik (aka blood sister and partner in crime). ingrid, the older sister i never had, sugar-the wonderously humble dog. the people who took us in- housed and fed us in europe. all of my friends with children, more than i could be right now.