Jami profile picture



About Me

I love to spend time with friends and family. My favorite thing to do is sit on the beach and watch the ocean. It makes me at peace with whatever is going on in my life. I live for football season and will always be a Browns fan. Snakes, frogs and giant bugs freak me out. It's amazing I've made it this long in Florida. St. Patty's Day is my holiday and I will continue to dress up like an idiot and drink lots of green beer for as long as I can. I have bad road rage and I'm trying to control that. I refuse to walk over sewer/drain covers for fear of falling in. My attention span is very short. Everything tastes better to me with ranch dressing and garlic added to it. Ok, that's enough.MySpace Graphics MySpace Layouts MySpace Backgrounds MySpace Codes Glitter Graphic MySpace Layouts MySpace Generators MySpace Editor MySpace Graphics MySpace Games

My Interests

I love to watch football, cook for other people, relax at the beach, and hugs are always great.

I'd like to meet:

Old friends and new fun people.


It all depends on what I'm doing or what kind of mood I'm in. I like it all. I'm always up for OAR, was brought up on Jimmy Buffett, and now Cara has me into House music.


Airplane, Office Space, Goonies, Shrek, Dazed and Confused, Friday, Half Baked, Cast Away, Encino Man


Family Guy, Sex and the City, UFC, Food network, I'm a sucker for reality shows and I just can't help it.


The Celestial Bar, Chicken Soup For The Nurse's Soul and Sylvia Browne books.