We recently played at The Horns in Watford for Oxjam 2008 which was due to us coming third in the Battle of the Bands at the Watford Harlequin Centre. We had a really good write up in The Watford Observer by Neil Skinner and here is an extract from his article.
"With barely a wisp of facial hair between them, the four piece, teen punk outfit produced a sound well beyond their years. They are also loud. Very loud. With an early Blink 182 or Kerplunk era Greenday clearly the goal. The lads delivered an enjoyable, uncomplicated 30 minutes or so of new wave punk music worthy of their place in a richley-talented line up. Cheered on by a fan base of friends and family, the guys did a cracking job in dragging the evening into life. I have given their particular sound a pretty wide birth since... err.... Kerplunk era Green day but, fair play, I enjoyed their set enormously, with satirical rant PAGE 3 a particular highlight. On another level entirely, however, was the lads' astounding, if slightly unusual, cover of Abba's Mamma Mia - three minutes' of musical hedonism, well worth my five pound donation on its own. Again, its not really my thing but its tough not to enjoy. ROYAL FLUSH are four young lads having a Bloody good time and making some decent live music into the bargain. As all involved in Oxjam 2008 can take a well earned bow and look forward to next year. "
T-shirts £5
F*** Art Lets Dance EP £4
With thanks to Becki, Alex, Jess and Mark for showing off our new range of T-shirts avaliable at all of our gigs and a special big thank you to lou our top photographer x
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