I am a Houngan Initiated in the Vodou Religion of Haiti specializing in the Ancient Egyptian Religious Practices.
Our house currently offer weddings to the Ancient Egyptian Deities. Many people are unfamiliar with this practice because they are not aware that we are all part of what I call God's family. Why would you marry a spirit one may ask? I shall explain. Marriage to a spirit carries similar benefits to marrying someone who is wiser and more powerful than you are furthermore it truly is about love just similar to marriage in the traditional love. From my many conversations with the highest deities of the universe I am always reminded that God is love and that all deities are manifestations of God. Hence a marriage to a deity brings you the benefits of the Love of these deities, when you love someone you try your best to improve their life, protect them, assist them in avoiding traumatic situations etc. A marriage to a deity will give you these benefits if you honor the marriage and remain receptive to the wisdom of the deity. The marriage initiates a more intimate relation with the various manifestations of the wisdom and power of the universe, they come to you in your dreams, your thoughts and senses to warn you of danger, they try their best to place you in situations that will benefit your life. Please understand that you have to honor the marriage contract, exchange vows and show your love for the deity as well because Love is reciprocal. We will always be here as guides to assist you anytime you need questions answered.
We also offer initiations into Haitian Vodou and in the near future we will be offering initiate rites into the ancient egyptian system of spiritual cultiviation
I can be reached at
[email protected]