TIXX ON SALE NOW FOR JULY 4TH 2008 profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools

How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .

My Interests

BALLAZ 4 LYFE, represents the struggle we have faced to get to the top, with a realisation that life is strange and the rise to the top is not easy!! And once u get to the top you stay there. We run the cities party scene with exclusive party @ tha HUDSON lOUNGE,PROVIDENCE,40/40 and AVALON. This year we bring our upscale lifestyle to brooklyn. Founder Sunil " SNIPA " Thomas was born on april 12th 1984 on the island of grenada, upon moving to america at the age of 13 Snipa was always about inventing new ways to come up with an easy dolla!! after maturing at an early age, due to lack of particiation from birth influences he decided to channel all the effots from plotting and skeeming into a business. And today you get whats called BALLAZ LYFE parent company to CASH COW ENTERTAINMENT AND DA DON DIVA!!!



My Blog

FEB 23 RD..

@ the exclusive hudson lounge in NYC!! BALLAZ LYFE PRESENTS!! THE OFFICIAL AMEX PARTY!! Admission free all night for all amex cardholders!!! The hudson longue Corner of 58th st and 9th avenue!!
Posted by TIXX ON SALE NOW FOR JULY 4TH 2008 on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:08:00 PST