When they ask me what
I liked best.....
I'll tell them
it was you ♥
Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. ~George Eliot
If I could have any job in
the world I'd be a professional
What good would wings be if you
couldn't feel the wind on your face?
My Two Favourite Movies
Clementine: ...Meet me in Montauk...
A Unique and Original movie. Its taken a simple idea and turned it inside out into a heart wrenching, powerful tale. The story is beautiful and heartbreaking, the imagery is beautiful and the writing is poetic.Its so realistic, it reminds me so much of past expereinces.
This movie is Brilliant and like no other.The methodical attempts for extermination of teenage children, systematically kidnapped and brought to a deserted island. They are given weapons and food and an order: to go out and kill each other. The last one standing is allowed back into society.
This movies thought provoking, very brutal but its strength and effectiveness is undeniable.
As for the american version which has yet to be made, there presumably gonna lace it up with goodlooking american teenagers to create another crappy teen horror flick, ruining the original idea and I reufse to waste 2 hours of my life watching it.
Susanna: Was I ever crazy? Maybe. Or maybe life is... Crazy isn't being broken or swallowing a dark secret. It's you or me amplified. If you ever told a lie and enjoyed it. If you ever wished you could be a child forever.
Based in the 1960's Girl interrupted is the story of a young girl 'susana kassey' who after trying to take her own life, ends up in Claymoore. A mental
Institution with an array of characters. Where she is left to struggle, fight and discover herself and society around her.
Winonas acting is incredible and brings with her outstanding emotion and depth. Angelina's portrayal of 'wild child' sociopath Lisa is phenomenal.
This Movie speaks to me like others havent and is one of a kind.
A beautiful adaptation from the memoirs of Susana kasey
Farscape rules everything
♥ SCRUBS!! Hollyoaks, eastenders and family guy