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Problems prove our character because our character, if it is genuine, is never altered by the circum

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I enjoy meeting and interacting with different people, especially those with different political and religious ideology than me; this is good and makes for interesting relationships and eventually creates a strong bond of friendship. I would like to meet people who are articulate, candid, have a sense of humor, sense-of-self, and possess moral wisdom.
Specific people I would like to meet are: Samuel Alito; F. Lee Bailey; Joseph Biden; Wolf Blitzer; Ben Bradlee; George H.W. Bush; George W. Bush; Gordon Brown; L. Paul Bremmer; Tom Brokaw; Robert C. Byrd; Ben Nighthorse Campbell -- the first American Indian U.S. Senator; Newt Gingrich; Don Graham; Theodore Kaczynski' Henry Kissinger; Rochus Misch; Gavin Newsom; Bill O'Reilly; Colin Powell; Vladimir Putin; Condoleezza Rice; John Roberts; Karl Rove; Antonin Scalia; Gerhard Schröder; Albert Speer (the younger); Brian Williams.
Some interesting people I have met thus far: Donnald K. Anderson, Clerk of the House of Representatives from 1987–1995. I met him during my 1992 visit to Washington, D.C. to watch the first inauguration of President Clinton. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense from 1975-1977 under President Ford, and from 2001-2006 under President Bush. I met him during his 2003 visit to Camp Pendleton, California. Dianne Feinstein, the current senior U.S. Senator from California. I met her during my 1992 visit to Washington, D.C. inside the Capitol building rotunda. Barbara Boxer, the current junior U.S. Senator from California. I met her during my 1992 visit to Washington, D.C. during a student gathering. Mark O. Hatfield, former U.S. Senator and Governor of Oregon. I met him during a visit to his Washington, D.C. Senate office.

President George W. Bush with Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO) ____________________
President Ronald W. Reagan
Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate
West Berlin, Germany
June 12, 1987


All Quiet on the Western Front | Amadeus | Capote | Chocolate | Cold Mountain | Das Boot | Dead Poets Society | Der Untergang | Hannibal | Napola | Pinochet's Last Stand | Scent of a Woman | Tea with Mussolini | The Devil's Advocate | The Last Castle


20/20 | 60 Minutes | Brothers & Sisters | Face The Nation | Fox News Sunday | Hanity & Colmes | Heroes | Jeopardy | Meet The Press | NBC Nightly News | Shark |The Colbert Report | The Coral Ridge Hour | The Hour of Power | The Jeffersons | The O'Reilly Factor | The Practice | The Tudors | The Young and the Restless


CURRENTLY READING: Madam Secretary: A Memoir -- Madeleine Albright | My Life -- Bill Clinton | A Court Divided: The Rehnquist Court and the Future of Constitutional Law -- Mark V. Tushnet
BOOKS ON CD: Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies -- Jared Diamond | Harry Potter und der Orden des Phonix -- Written by Joanne K. Rowling, Read by Rufus BeckHAVE READ: Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age--Modris Eksteins | Bush at War--Bob Woodward | A Charge to Keep--George W. Bush | Conversations with Kennedy--Ben Bradley | Faith of My Fathers--John McCain | American Soldier--General Tommy Franks | The Greatest Generation--Tom Brokaw | Brighter Than the Baghdad Sun--Shyam Bhatia & Daniel McGrory | All The Presidents Men--Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward | Rediscovering God in America--Newt Gingrich | Medieval Myths--Norma Lorre Goodrich |Baghdad Without a Map--Tony Horwitz | Reflections on a Ravaged Century--Robert Conquest | Shot Down--John M. Curnow


Jesus Christ - The only begotten son of God; conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. Crucified on the cross, died and was burried. He descended into hell; on the third day he rose from the dead; ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

My Blog

Separation of Church and State....what do you think?

Christianity today is under attack by the radical Far Left. Yes indeed it is. It seems that everywhere I go if the name of God is mentioned people automatically cry "Separation of Church and State." I...
Posted by frankipookie on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 10:30:00 PST

Rabbi Paul: An Intellectual Biography

Well, the books that I had hoped to purchase today weren't available at the Barnes & Noble store I went to so I drove on down to Mission Valley to Borders. Unfortunately, they weren't available there...
Posted by frankipookie on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 10:09:00 PST

A trip to Barnes & Noble.

I love reading.  It seems that every time I read a book I'm always discovering a new one.  This can be problematic in that I never get to read a book the whole way through.  I am gettin...
Posted by frankipookie on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 11:54:00 PST


Problems make us better if we refuse to allow them to make us bitter.  We must experience difficulty to prepare ourselves to be able to help others.
Posted by frankipookie on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 11:21:00 PST

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

What an awesome song! I love would be an awesome thing to be able to walk into a sanctuary, sit down and listen to a choir sing this song. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early i...
Posted by frankipookie on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 04:29:00 PST

An afternoon thought.

I am blessed!  I am blessed!  I am blessed!  Hallelujah!  Its a beautiful day outside!Laus Deo.
Posted by frankipookie on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 04:22:00 PST


SOURCE:  Spiegel Online -- GermanyBy Jörg Blech The US death penalty debate has been given a new lease on life now that the Supreme Court is examining the question of whether the preferred method...
Posted by frankipookie on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 04:17:00 PST

HOUR OF POWER: Walking in Your Own Shoes, Part I.

Todays sermon from Dr. Robert A. SchullerThe Crystal CathedralGarden Grove, CaliforniaPart I: Walking in Your Own Shoes...
Posted by frankipookie on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 04:10:00 PST

Old Testament.

Genesis says it was 300 cubits in length, making it about 500 feet long.What is Noah's Arc?SOURCE: Jeopardy.
Posted by frankipookie on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 04:08:00 PST


When Custer marched into Charlottesville in 1865, faculty leaders convinced him to spare this university (whew!)What is the University of Virginia. Designed by Thomas Jefferson.SOURCE: Jeopardy....
Posted by frankipookie on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 04:07:00 PST