I'd like to meet:
I enjoy meeting and interacting with different people, especially those with different political and religious ideology than me; this is good and makes for interesting relationships and eventually creates a strong bond of friendship. I would like to meet people who are articulate, candid, have a sense of humor, sense-of-self, and possess moral wisdom.
Specific people I would like to meet are: Samuel Alito; F. Lee Bailey; Joseph Biden; Wolf Blitzer; Ben Bradlee; George H.W. Bush; George W. Bush; Gordon Brown; L. Paul Bremmer; Tom Brokaw; Robert C. Byrd; Ben Nighthorse Campbell -- the first American Indian U.S. Senator; Newt Gingrich; Don Graham; Theodore Kaczynski' Henry Kissinger; Rochus Misch; Gavin Newsom; Bill O'Reilly; Colin Powell; Vladimir Putin; Condoleezza Rice; John Roberts; Karl Rove; Antonin Scalia; Gerhard Schröder; Albert Speer (the younger); Brian Williams.
Some interesting people I have met thus far: Donnald K. Anderson, Clerk of the House of Representatives from 1987–1995. I met him during my 1992 visit to Washington, D.C. to watch the first inauguration of President Clinton. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense from 1975-1977 under President Ford, and from 2001-2006 under President Bush. I met him during his 2003 visit to Camp Pendleton, California. Dianne Feinstein, the current senior U.S. Senator from California. I met her during my 1992 visit to Washington, D.C. inside the Capitol building rotunda. Barbara Boxer, the current junior U.S. Senator from California. I met her during my 1992 visit to Washington, D.C. during a student gathering. Mark O. Hatfield, former U.S. Senator and Governor of Oregon. I met him during a visit to his Washington, D.C. Senate office.
President George W. Bush with Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO)
President Ronald W. Reagan
Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate
West Berlin, Germany
June 12, 1987
All Quiet on the Western Front | Amadeus | Capote | Chocolate | Cold Mountain | Das Boot | Dead Poets Society | Der Untergang | Hannibal | Napola | Pinochet's Last Stand | Scent of a Woman | Tea with Mussolini | The Devil's Advocate | The Last Castle
20/20 | 60 Minutes | Brothers & Sisters | Face The Nation | Fox News Sunday | Hanity & Colmes | Heroes | Jeopardy | Meet The Press | NBC Nightly News | Shark |The Colbert Report | The Coral Ridge Hour | The Hour of Power | The Jeffersons | The O'Reilly Factor | The Practice | The Tudors | The Young and the Restless
CURRENTLY READING: Madam Secretary: A Memoir -- Madeleine Albright | My Life -- Bill Clinton | A Court Divided: The Rehnquist Court
and the Future of Constitutional Law -- Mark V. Tushnet
BOOKS ON CD: Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies -- Jared Diamond | Harry Potter und der Orden des Phonix -- Written by Joanne K. Rowling, Read by Rufus BeckHAVE READ: Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age--Modris Eksteins | Bush at War--Bob Woodward | A Charge to Keep--George W. Bush | Conversations with Kennedy--Ben Bradley | Faith of My Fathers--John McCain | American Soldier--General Tommy Franks | The Greatest Generation--Tom Brokaw | Brighter Than the Baghdad Sun--Shyam Bhatia & Daniel McGrory | All The Presidents Men--Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward | Rediscovering God in America--Newt Gingrich | Medieval Myths--Norma Lorre Goodrich |Baghdad Without a Map--Tony Horwitz | Reflections on a Ravaged Century--Robert Conquest | Shot Down--John M. Curnow
Jesus Christ - The only begotten son of God; conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. Crucified on the cross, died and was burried. He descended into hell; on the third day he rose from the dead; ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.