Joe profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

[Somewhat updated on 3-12-2007]BACKGROUND: SD, born and raised; graduated from Kearny High and received my GED (Ghetto Edification Degree)Went to Occidental College and lived in L.A. for five years, give or take. Loved the theaters and restaurants and campus life; hated pretty much everything else. :PPRESENT: Living in A-town, the ATL, the Capital of the Dirty South, or whatever you want to call Atlanta. Drugging up a delightfully dumb cat on various necessary meds and catnip--to take the edge off. Going on 4 years with the best girlfriend money can't buy. :PTeaching at an afterschool enrichment center and having a blast doing so; making ends meet; waiting for a special few grad schools' application windows to open up. :PFUTURE: Will continue grad school, despite loathing for essays and deadlines and work that doesn't result in immediate payment. Will work as a teacher with more responsibility and reap the rewards of a marginally increased paycheck, which will thankfully be based on salary instead of wages. XPETHNICITY: White, basically. People always think I am Hispanic of some sort, but I'm part Lithuanian, Comanche, and the rest is English and the like--I'm not 100% sure what this 'like' is, but I am 100% not concerned enough to look into it at this point in time.RELIGIOUS?: I am not religious, even though my mom tried (and failed horribly at) putting me in Hebrew school when I was very little. I acknowledge that there is a lot of good philosophy in dogma, i.e. the Golden Rule and Middle Path, but there is also a lot of bad practice in organized religion. And I am not one for organization most of the time as it is. :PFor those who really want me to be religious (hi, mom), I guess I could see a me from a parallel dimension being an Episcopal, since they are big on inclusion and progressive thinking. And I suppose I am Unitarian in the sense that I try to use the best of what I come across in my everyday life...but I am human in the sense that I often fail at it. I am really just a free-thinker, truth be told, and I like it that way.PERSONALITY: I am--as my friends will readily attest--dorky, nerdy, geeky, goofy, sarcastic, ironic, wry, witty, and intentionally dumb at times. I'm laid back, relaxed, and I procrastinate like it's my job. People tend to like me, though I couldn't say why. I talk a million mumbles a minute when I am overexcited, and just under that under normal circumstances. I'm a logolept, which is funny to me since you have to be one to know what one is. I'm a zealous proponent of the mind-fuck, i.e. recondite verbiage, abstruse allusions, and other jedi mind tricks. I'm lazy when I need to do things for myself, but proactive when other people are depending on me. I'm creative but I have no work ethic. I'm fun to hang out with but I'm no good at scheduling hangouts. Thankfully, my good friends help me out, my amazing girlfriend picks up a lot of my loose ends, and vice versa in both cases :-D.

My Interests

I like certain things. I don't like other things. Except when I do.

I'd like to meet:

I'm mostly here to keep in touch with folks I already know.And I like to keep track of some select bands and celebs that entertain me (whether by kicking my ass by virtue of their awesomeness or hilarity :P)


[to be updated more regularly than the rest of my profile, no doubt:]These days, I love too many musical acts to enumerate them all, but I like a lot, and I will list some of them. Chief among my faves (namely those on my HD at the mo') would have to be Incubus, Andrew Bird, Built to Spill, Damien Rice, Jimi Hendrix and Seu Jorge. They're all great. :D


Again, too many. But some of my perennial faves areAmerican History X Bill and Ted's--both of them :P Clueless Donnie Darko Good Will Hunting Notting Hill Office Space The Shawshank Redemption Wayne's World Zoolander


Currently (as of 3-11-07):Grey's Heroes House ScrubsAnd of course The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. XD


It's easier to go by authors. If you actually care about what I read, you can inquire further.Fantasy: J.R.R. Tolkien; George R.R. Martin; Steven EriksonSci-Fi: Arthur C. Clarke; Orson Scott Card; David Feintuch.Fiction: Lots.My reading is done leisurely and as an escapist activity, so not much non-fiction to speak of.


Günther. Definitely.

My Blog

My personality...since some levity was in order.

How to make a jkinglerx Ingredients: 1 part friendliness 5 parts humour 3 parts empathy Method:Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of c...
Posted by Joe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Abstinence failed. With Bush and Dick on the ballot, America couldn't resist fucking itself.

Lyrics I think a lot of folks can relate to right now... "I'm gonna go to sleep And let this wash all over me We don't really want a monster taking over Tip toeing, tying down We don't want the...
Posted by Joe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Movies I really wanna see--If you are going to see them, bring me!

Friday Night Lights Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence I Heart Huckabees Shaun of the Dead Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War The Motorcycle Diaries Vanity Fair When Will I Be Loved  ...
Posted by Joe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

This is a post about an anime I just finished, so if you aren't interested now, you might not be interested in reading my post. I am going to miss this show! *Sniffles* There was so much to love abou...
Posted by Joe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Where is my weekend?

It seems like I woke up, goofed off for a while, and then it was Sunday evening! SUCKS!!!
Posted by Joe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A Soldier's Story + WSJ Writer's Email to Friends and Family

[These are both taken from Upstart's bulletins. Where he got them from, I couldn't say--I'm just informing all of you that I'm not taking credit for this.] Below is a startling look at the war in I...
Posted by Joe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


------------------------------------------------------------ --------The following is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System.Has living liberally lasered my lensShaping the shit I see all around me?I...
Posted by Joe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I wasn't a huge fan of my other picture, so...

Here is a new one. Haha. Photo editors rule...I airbrushed my goatee (JK)!
Posted by Joe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


This was just a two sentence blog, but I wanted to feel like I accomplished something this morning and I pressed enter in the middle of those sentences. So now it's kinda like a poem, haha! I don't...
Posted by Joe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Man...So hard to pick just 10 pics.

If you haven't already noticed, I posted some pics from my trip to a Japanese garden. "Picturesque" doesn't do the place justice. I had tons of kool pictures but I could only post 10, so If you really...
Posted by Joe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST