Curators profile picture


Gakugei kiyureitazu...

About Me

Home video for Turn The Lights Down:An as yet untitled new song, complete with a choir to make Geldof blush:Curators is a new Edinburgh based band featuring former members of Baillie & The Fault, Edinburgh rockers Deadenstereo, synthpop fourpiece To The Rescue and Misled Youth, as well as current members of Those Flying*Machines and The Stantons.
Having been hidden away in a rehearsal room for months, the band have now played their first batch of gigs and have now posted their home recorded demo. With a single in the offing for later in the year, watch this space...
Praise for Curators' previous work:
"Melody is at the heart of everything…brilliant harmonies" The Big Issue
"Hard-edged, sometimes abrasive, but with a tender heart and a strong sense of purpose" Is This Music?
"Haunting guitar melodies with fragile vocals" Daily Record
"Powerful, emotive music with an intelligent message at its centre"
"This is great - chiming lead guitar and spot on vocals freefalling into another planet sized chorus" Is This Music?
"Fucking beautiful" The Bible Fanzine"They write a good lyric, write a good tune...what the fuck else do you want?" Fudge Fanzine"Very impressive" Kill The Noize Fanzine"This will rip your heart out and tear it into a thousand tiny pieces" Alternative 101 Fanzine"Soars into the high notes before striking down with aggressive punch" Vanity Project Fanzine"Fuck me, that sounds fucking brilliant. You talented cunts!" Sean "Space R*****" Kennedy, Grace Emilys--------------------Click on the banner below to visit our Bebo page:You can also check out our Flickr stream at

My Interests


Member Since: 1/6/2008
Band Members: Jon Dick - guitar & voxGary Small - guitar & voxJohn Griffiths - bassRich Baty - drumsPete Hopes - bass, bikes, bets and beard
Influences: Good music. Probably nothing fashionable.:
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Ch-ch-ch-changes, as Bowie might say...

Well, things have changed a little since our last blog (I hate the word "blog". Almost as much as the idea of being "a blogger". It's just a diary in a different medium, and don't forget it). John is ...
Posted by Curators on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 10:46:00 PST

When life gets in the way, drop the shoulder

So, as you may or may not have noticed, we've now got five home recorded tracks (plus one live acoustic song from our Fresh Air radio session) up on the player. Originally we were going to stick them...
Posted by Curators on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 07:39:00 PST

A taster...

As you may or may not know, we've been beavering away in my home "studio", working on our first proper demo. We've recorded: The Brakes State of Grace Turn The Lights Down All I Know Talk Me Down Why ...
Posted by Curators on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 05:47:00 PST

First gigs, recording and other tales

Well, it's been a while since the last blog, so I thought a wee update was in order... The last month has seen us finally get out of the rehearsal room and onto the stage. We started things off with a...
Posted by Curators on Sun, 25 May 2008 05:46:00 PST


A blog! Wonders will never cease... First off, I'm hugely chuffed to see that our little old profile has been viewed over 1000 times without even the lure of music... That's really terribly ...
Posted by Curators on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 03:23:00 PST