I am a diverse person. I like to snowboard, I am fond of reading anything and everything, I can sleep for days, I love to watch movies, I love road trips, Playing cards, the casino, having a drink or two, and having fun with my friends.
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Just kidding Guys. Fatties are welcome! Tall people, short people, pretty people, ugly people, pretty ugly people. You know. Anyone. Just send me a message. I'll do my best to respond. :) ha ha I am a pretty open person. But if you can't shut up, have no common sense, full of yourself, or will just generally annoy me hit please the back button at the top of your browser. Thanks for playing! But if you are hott you you will definately get bonus points. (Good for valuable merchandise!!)
I listen to everything and I am open to everything. My song on my myspace is constantly changing and it is always amazing to me how music can influence my mood. I am always up to hearing new music and most of the time I like it. I try and make it to the zoo for the zoomusic concerts a few times a season because it is always new and different.
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I love all kinds of movies. God where do I start here. From me and my Friends DVD collection, to mine and Adams Top Gun and Footloose marathons one thing is clear. I love movies. Just ask the guy who used to go with me for an all day movie theater marathon. You know the drill, pay for one movie and then sneak into all the other ones too. HA HA Ask anyone who knows me. I can lay in bed and watch movies for 24 hours if you let me. I love comedies and dramas. Horror and suspense. I have been known to those who know me best to quote movies excessively. Especially 80's movies. I am always quoting movies out of the blue so if you think you can hang with me on movie quotes let's see what you're made of. You got fuzz on your peaches or what?? ha ha
I am pretty much convinced that Shark is the best show in the world right now. He is a sarcastic, and witty bastard and I love that. Of course the Simpsons, Friends, Cold case, CSI . .. .pretty anything that has to do with law or murder cases. I like that kind of stuff.
Now this would be a long list. I read everything I can get my hands on. From novels with over 1,000 pages to cereal boxes. My favorites are Stephen King and Jennifer Weiner. Very good writers. Since I was little reading was one of my favorite things to do. I started reading simple books at the age of four. Taught myself really. My Aunt Shar gave me some instruction and I took it and ran. My favorite books when I was little were Goodnight Moon and Where the Wild Things Are. Everyone has read those I am sure. Classics. Well if you are into reading let me know. We can talk books like nerds. :)
I am not sure what to put here. I have had a very different life and I owe alot of where I am now to myself. I am not being conceided either. If you knew me and my story you would agree. I guess I would have to say that my hero isn't a specific person. I think heros are people who stand up for themselves and aren't afraid to put thier heart on the line. All military people as well. Thank you for all you do.