eiya!im angeli.. my close friends call me anj, geli.. some call me marris..
i easily get bored.. i always want to try new things.. things that aren't boring..
i love surprises!!Ü im stubborn and sarcastic at times.. but in a good way naman.. whahahaha!!! i love mah friends.. but sometimes i tend to very moody that mah friends hate me.. yeah... sometimes they think im juz using them.. what the...???!!IM SORRY OK?!i love
. my pillow
. my cellphone
. "bhe"
. sisters!!
. luf friends
. mommy
. beb
. friends!
. smiling :D
. praying
. sweets.. [chocolates... toblerone]
. friendster
. aircon
. soundtrip
. my piano
. snowÜ wohoo!
. rainy days
. water
. gymnastics
most of all I LOVE GODi hate
. lizzards
. snakes
. sticky feeling
. summer
. back ache
. seeing dead people
. feeling lonelyim kinda tired now.. il just finish this tomÃœ