Scarey Kerri profile picture

Scarey Kerri

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm vain.
I'm a complete Bitch
I'm very outgoing.
I'm brutaly honest.
I'm rude; and I don't consider other peoples feelings.
I have many dreams, wanting to achieve a career as an actress and a singer/songwriter. 10 years plus with experience, just waiting to bust out into something amazing, just havent achieved that yet
I love to have a good time!! I live for music, and I love going to shows/concerts; local shows are my most favorite, gotta support the local talent.
Its my life, Its now or Fucking Never, I ain't gonig to live forever....ok borrowed that from Bon Jovi but you get it.
I live and love life, and I am who I am. So either love me or hate me, but again, I really could careless. Haters make life more interesting.
If your an asshole, or a fucking idiot, or even have the idea your better than me or anyone else: Your a pathetic excuse for existence, You Suck At Life, Go Kill Yourself!
Don't Whine To Me About How Pathetic Your Life Is! I'm living mine without regret or care about people who treat me horribly, so therefore if you hate me, I most likey hate you so don't try to befriend me, or you will see the person that is stated above,
A good MindFuck
Acting as if there is no care in the world
Alcohol [Enough said on that one, Favorite: Vodka]
Any Hallucinogenic Drug...
Any type of Red Liquid or Candy
Anything grotesque that makes you look away once but then turn back and stare....
Approval and recognition
Bargain stores and junk/vintage shops
Being a Bitch - Although you do have to give me a reason to be...hehe.
Being Silly With Friends…
Black lipstick....and Red Lipstick...again two favorite colors....mmhmm
Bright Lights
Cigarettes....{Marlboro Reds, or Camel Filters...I Love Full Flavored...}
Curling into a comfortable spot to read a good book
Dancing In The Rain
Dramatic Makeup - I have to have my eyeliner and eye shadow!
Energy Drinks
Fuck Me Sideways
Guy Who Can Play an Instrument...(Guitar, Bass, Drums..ect.), or Can Sing....*Shivers*
Horror Movies
Hot showers
I Lurve To Make People Laugh
Inside jokes, but only when I'm on the inside, and am not the joke
Kissing in the rain
Late night walks or drives
Lava lamps
Laying next to and being held by the person I love
Living up to expectations
Loud music
Movie quotes
Movies that I can find myself on a higher level of thinking while I'm watching.
Music - Preferably Rock
Music while I sleep
My “Just Because” moments
My hair
My Inspiration
My Laptop
Offensive Material {Pictures, Phrases, Jokes, name a few}
People who are amazing with words
People’s facial expressions
Pills [All colors, Shapes, and Sizes]
Post-it notes! I’m addicted to them!!!!
Sarcasm, but not when it’s misplaced. There’s a time for it, and there’s a time to not bring it into a situation. {PEOPLE NEED TO LEARN THIS}
Scented Body Sprays
Sex Toys...hehe
Sexual tension/sexual spontaneous escapades
Shinny Things
Spontaneous bursts of song
Texting Adventures and Texting clues
The Colors: Black & Red
The true meaning of being In Love, not just Loving A Person
The Unknown
The versatility of the word 'Fuck'
Those special moments with him you can’t forget nor want to, the moments you dream over and over just to relive.
Yellow Highlighters
Abuse. Whether it is physical, mental, sexual, emotional, or verbal.
Arguing with someone who is just as stubborn as I am
Attempting To Let Go Of The Past, But Not Being Able To
Bastards, who say they'll call you, yet never figure out how to operate a telephone.
Being self-conscious.
Bitches who stare at me for no reason...I know I'm hot but goddamn...
Biting my fingernails.
Broken promises.
Close-minded assholes that think they're always right.
Confusion. Not being able to understand anything, even yourself and your own feelings.
Drunk drivers. Hide your keys assholes!
Facings things that are difficult for me, yet knowing I must face them regardless.
Fat people (especially girls) who still think they can wear bikinis or tiny clothes, knowing that they got it from their younger brother or sister’s closet.
Feeling as if your life has no direction.
Feeling Like A Complete Failure
Finding out that what you held most dear in your life was never real to begin with.
Friends who never call or talk to you, or when they do... they have nothing to say, or they have everything to say but nothing you want to hear.
Guys who hit on you when they KNOW you've been going out with the same guy for a long period of time.
Guys whom just want sex.
I HATE Emo kids.... yesh, I'm going to hate you till I die because you are poor excuses for existence, even more so then the Scene Kids. You are all posers. It’s a type of music. NOT Lifestyle. Goddamn it you people need to get a life...geeze. That’s not to say I don’t love Emo type music. because I dooo!
Idiotic celebs who think are they are more important then their in the hell do you think you got famous.... you fucktard...
Insensitive people, who refuse to attempt to understand, when I take the time to understand and listen to them.
Men who can't think for themselves.... They listen to their friends or wont follow their hearts. And the ones who don't think a girl worth it, who is confused whether they want her or not.... its not that hard assholes.... you either want Me or you don't.... don’t waste my time, I have greater things to worry myself with.
My Own Insecurity
Nails on a chalkboard
Never feeling good enough.
People who assume they know me, when they really don't.
People Who Bitch For No Reason
People, who borrow, yet never return... or return in a really Shitty condition
People who can eat twice their weight in food and still be really skinny.
People who can’t do anything for themselves. LAZY PEOPLE
People who change their opinion to match yours because they’re too afraid to stand by their own.
People who serve us at drive through windows whom we cannot understand
People who think they have to believe in a religion to live, This goes for any religious fanatics of any faith.... can’t think for yourself there buddy??
People who try their best to outdo me, or try to be better than me. Sorry, there is only one me.
Really looking forward to something, and hoping so much that your dreams will come true, only to have it all completely shatter.
Rumors and Gossip
Scene Kids! Yes, I don’t really hate you.... just..Ugh, your poor excuse for existence annoys me....
Seafood {Although Shrimp is an exception}
Spiders, bugs, and snakes.
Stalkers…Yes you know who you are.
Tattoos that are in Chinese and are on another ethnicity. WTF people…you know you really don’t know what it means. Hello…it could say, “I’m A Heifer…or I’m A Whore…” How in the hell would you know the difference?
The Band Aiden...Ugh...Die...Die...and Die again! They will never Die Romantic...ugh!
The classifications about people that are made based on what they wear, or the music they listen to.
The cold you feel when you've been awake for too long.
The lack of individuality in today’s society.
Trying to explain to someone how you are feeling, while they completely ignore you.
Two-faced people.
When you finally get to sleep but then something wakes you up.

My Blog

No Longer

The damage is doneThe ray no longer shinesIts skipped town and ran awayTook a 5 am train across countryTo shine in someone elses heartNo longer wants to warm my skin with its embraceNo longer wants to...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 00:56:00 GMT

Dance Of The....

I just realized that I dont ever update, well I havent been able to in a couple of months actually. Finally was able to obtain internet again...My lifes ok, just ok, nothing extravegant or even remote...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Jun 2009 01:29:00 GMT

I Love You

My life is something I can say is complete when your aroundI've only said I love you to you,And completely meant it. My life has been changing for so long, On a spiral I cant unwind.You've taken me fo...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 22:23:00 GMT

A Real Blog For A Change....

Well ello my lovelies. I feel obligated to update, seeing as I havent in the longest time. So much going on in my life right now. I know I've been indignant about most everything thats been going on i...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 18:31:00 GMT

Georgias Rule...My Hauntings.....

I'm scared to say this movie was on and I watched it. The whole movie I basically was in tears. I hate Lindsay Lohan but she was powerful in this movie....I guess you could say she acted as if she was...
Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 15:50:00 GMT

Hmmm....Out Look On Something......

I can't help but question the person I once was and have become. I dont understand the choices I've made and the mistakes I've made. I've put myself in some weird situations lately and I have always c...
Posted by on Mon, 12 May 2008 08:20:00 GMT

Your Own Demise

The love is fadingThe soul within me is breakingThe feelings for you have been forced to drift awayMaybe its time to bring myself to realityThe fire within my blue eyes has lost its flickerDamaging th...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 01:01:00 GMT

Thoughts and Quotes of an Ideal Soul....

If some things are better left unsaid, then maybe they too are better left undone.Don't let the darkness of the past cover the brightness of the future.I said that I would be all right, I said I would...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 20:23:00 GMT

Turning Over A New Chapter

I've decide to post another blog. I know my bulletins have been rather emoish and not Kerri like but right now I cant help but post things that represent how I feel. I'm good now, better than the pas...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:54:00 GMT

Smiling At The Past....Frowning Alittle At The Future

Yeah its weird, me blogging at 1:38AM. haha all of you know I'm up at this time, just haven written a blog this late in a long time. I've just been thinking lately, if you've been around me I'm sure y...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 22:45:00 GMT