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active in church, softball, volleyball, recreational sports, pool shark (i'll take you and yo mama's lunch money. dont get it twisted) EXTREME air hockey w/ 2 or 3 pucks. safety goggles are a must now that i have discovered this to be a contact sport.Q-MONEY PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS: THE MANY FACES OF ME
GOSPEL/JAZZ. I LOVE OLD SCHOOL. music was original and had substance back then. earth wind fire is a definite fav right now. music today is all the same. everyone looks the same. all videos consist of materialistic ideas, and women in skimpy clothing. what's new?!
HAROLD & KUMAR GO TO WHITE CASTLE! if you dont know... you better ask somebody!!!! i love this movie. old black & white movies.
t.v. is the devil! i dont watch it at all. why in the flip do we need thousands of channels. aint nuthin worth watchin. the problem sit down to watch a 30 minute show, next thing you know you've been sucked in and 4 hours later you're still sittin on the couch staring into the tube-o-nuthingness.
anything that has to do with skin care, success & finances