My favorite thing to do? TraveLiNg, DriNking, SpenDing tiMe wiTh peOple (especially the ones I love), Drinking, reAding (what?! people still do that?...YES), coFFeE, LoVe, makeup, Painting, peOple watching, nature, ResTuraNts, cRazy diEts, and Laughing, but my favorite thing to do is to...
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"Take a chance and drop your pants." - Hugh HefnerBoys who like Boys who date girls.
The soundtrack to my life consists of much that has been influential and some imposed by others that I have taken possession of and made dear to my memories. To name the many songs that have shaped the existence of my being would take too long to list, but let me say it has been and will continue to be the foundation of life.
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When HaRry meet SaLLy, ClOseR, FeVer PitCh, WiNter PassIng, LoVE ActuaLLy, High FidaliTy, ZooLaNder, OLD SCHOOL, StucK oN you, AladdLin, GiA, CindeRlla, 50 FiRst DatEs, NeoploIan DynaMit, AloNg came PoLLy, Blow, I heart Huckabies, GladiaTor, Man on Fire, WEDDING CRASHERS, 40 YEAR old VirGin, Iron Man...but really I don't have time for t.v. let alone movies.
FamILy GuY & The GiRLS neXt DOOR. Never the one of the week, it is all dvd and reruns.
SiddarTha, 100 Years of Solitude, The PoIsion WoOd BiBle, AnNa KaReniNa, RashOmon, A miLLion liTTle PiecEs, 11 Minuets, The MastEr, The LiftEd Veil, The Norton Anthology to English Literature...ANd All ThE ManY moRe I Will read oNCE I get throuGH. BookS Are my LIFE and ReaSOn.
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