is my name. MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS MEAN MORE TO ME THAN ANYTHING ELSE SO IF YOU GOT A PROBLEM WIT THEM THEN YOU GOT A BIG MUTHERFUCKIN PROBLEM WIT ME. I use to be in the ARMY; I got out almost a year ago, and moved on with my life.
I'm married to the one knight in shiny armor Jonathan & on 16 September 2009 @ 7:13pm our lil boy mr. Jordan Alexander Fitts was born.
Survey of my Life by davya
So Basically..
Name:: Jacqueline
Nicknames:: LiL Wicked
Age:: 20
Birth Date:: 3 Aug
Hair Color:: Dark Brown
Eye Color:: Brown
Height:: 5"5"
Piercings:: mi tounge
Tatoos:: SEVEN
Heritage:: MEXICAN & French
Food:: mi abuela's
Drink:: anything with alcohol
Time of Day:: Nite Time
Season:: Summer & Winter
Day of the Week:: FRIDAY
Color:: BLUE, black & BROWN
Place in U.S:: anywhere but here
Place outside U.S:: IDK
Magazine:: none
Pet:: don't have one
Friend:: Rachel, Cynthia & Claudia
Feeling: HIGH
Do You..
Shower Daily:: FUCK YEA
Brush your Teeth Daily:: FUCK YEA
Sing:: only in the shower
Dance:: only when I'm drunk
Drink:: sumtimes
Smoke:: smoke what???
Read Books:: sumtimes
Read Magazines:: only at the doc's office
Have a Religion:: yes
Have a Bf/Gf:: nope he's my husband now
Play an Instrument:: drums & piano
In the Opposite Sex..
Hair Color:: Dark Brown
Eye Color:: Blue
Height:: 5'8"
Tatoos:: three so far
Piercings:: his tounge & ears but they are streched
Body Type:: skinny
Hobbies:: IDK
Do You Believe In..
Ghosts:: NOPE
Aliens:: YES
God:: YES
Devil:: YES
Heaven:: YES
Afterlife:: NOT REALLY
Have You Ever..
Been Arrested:: NO COMMENT
Cheated:: yes BUT NEVER on my husband
Been Cheated on:: YEA
Had your Heart Broken:: YEA
Broken someone elses Heart:: OH YEA & IT WAS F-U-N
Stripped:: NO COMMENT
Kissed more than two people in one night:: NO COMMENT
Kissed someone of the same sex:: NO COMMENT
Lied:: who doesn't
Gotten into a fight:: NO COMMENT
Passed out:: YEA
Stolen anything:: when I was a kid
Done something you regret:: NEVER
Been on T.V:: once
Been in Love:: yea I STILL AM
Last Person You..
Talked to on the phone:: my dad
Text Messaged: mi esposo
Instant Messaged: mi prima Stina
Hugged:: mi esposo
Kissed:: mi baby boiii JORDAN
Yelled at:: mi esposo
Missed:: no one yet
Were told loved you?: mi esposo
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