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What's up people!...my name is all over the page so no need for that part...Let's see a friend of mines told me about myspace a few years ago..DANG that sounds like a long time but I guess 05, 06. Anyway and initially I was like NO NO NO ...too many WEIRDOS, blah, blah, I'm not into INTERNET dating, blah, blah, blah. But honestly I LOVE IT NOW!! (STILL NOT INTO INTERNET DATING) but I've been able to get in touch with high school friends (Hey FOXY DALYA), meet a few new ones, PHOTOGRAPHERS, AGENTS, MODELS, & the list goes on. So basically I'm trying to say I'm here for NETWORKING PURPOSES...meeting a cool friend..hey theirs no harm in that BUT THAT"S ALL. And please...don't get mad at me, don't call well email me stupid things, because I just forward them to my friends & we all laugh...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...naw just playing..well sometimes...depends on how CrAzY you get!..I'm from CALI WEST COAST BABY...haha but the roots or from the south..and I'm now IN TEXAS..WHERE I HEAR EVERYTHING IS BIGGER...hmmm..I'll be quiet on that one. Anyway I think I'm cool cool person once you get to know me...BUT I don't mind NOT getting to know you either. GOD has bless me with SOME GREAT FRIENDS...that I'm having a hard time spending time with now..so I'm cool WITHOUT you..BUT we're ALWAYS WELCOMING NEWBIES!! LOL.......