Vinny Idol BTS from A Nu Day Media on Vimeo .
Download Mixtape | Provided by DatPiff.comDownload Mixtape | Provided by "A LETTER TO 2PAC AND BIGGIE" BY DOLLARMENTARY PRODUCED BY VINNIE IDOL-----..
..This is the official Young Starr Page . Young Starr is a multi media group that release's Dvd's/documentary's oversea's and in the u.s.As seen as the background on this page is our second release .Red Gone Wild dvd. You can watch the trailor and order the whole dvd right here on myspace . We are now working on a New Dvd focused on Young super stars up&coming The dvd will also a few celeb's and more advertisement . We are looking for hardworking serious musician's to submit video's/ show footage to us the best will be featured on the dvd . The Good thing is We want your best work because our dvd's have a lot of viewer's( distribution) and you don't want to put out something that's wack! We cover nyc-cali-Oversea's - europe-(germany-amsterdam-paris-south of france. Ect We also have a segment where we let the ladie's shyne . We go through the submission's and pick new girl's with the hottest sexiest freakiest footage to add to the dvd . We only want serious people that are serious about their career . If you look at my page and see all my work and trailor's u can see I am a young Starr All submission's - must send me a message b4 submitting 1st come 1st serve*CELEBS YOU CAN CALL US FOR AN INTERVIEW OR JUST DROP US A MESSAGE*.. Myspace Layout
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