Most people don't pronounce my name correctly, but I gave up on trying to fix that a long time ago. Now I don't even pronounce it right half the time. That seems to describe my life in a lot of ways.
I'm a simple and yet wonderfully complex woman. I'm violently intelligent and I have no modesty towards that. I have tiny hands with small scars and a calloused ringfinger from painting, drawing and writing constantly, and yet i've come to realize that they get amazingly silky smooth when working with sculpey all day.
I like art and computers more then people.
I have a special love of gore, horror and the disturbing. I am a comic book geek, toy collector, film fanatic, music fiend, abandoner of books half way thru to start 3 more, and I sit looking at this pixelated screen FAR more then is good for me.
My body is a canvas of tattoos and I have an extreme fetish for them.
I hate drugs of any type and refuse to be around them.
Spirituality is important to me, though I am not religous. I have a lot of endurance and treasure personal growth and change. I have the greatest friends in the world and our experiences together are the foundations of my past, present and future. I like life, and I seem to be getting better at it.