C.KAL profile picture


About Me

Taken&happy.fuck you.
I'm Cody, I'm gay, I have a boyfriend named Jenna. And I love him.<333 Lmao, kidddding.(:
You're all I ever wanted in a "man", and I absolutely ADORE you.<3 We've been through hells hell and back, but I think it was for the better, cause now, nothings getting close to stopping us. I can be myself around you, and talk about anything with you. You never judge me, no matter how embarrassing things get. And I thank you for all the shit you've done for me, and put up with for me. I'll always love you, no matter what happens. I love how we know everything about each other, and say the same things, and even wear the same kind of things all the time, and get really fucking creeped out by it. People always tell me I'm so lucky, and I've noticed I really am the luckiest girl in the world :D. Everyone tells me they wish they were as open in relationships as we are.<3 I've never been this close to anyone before. I'll always be here for you, and I can't wait to see whats ahead of us. You have my heart, forever and ever.<33333333333333 Do whatever you wish with it, I trust you.(: Love, Yourr guuurllllfran.<3
Jenna was heeeere, 12-7-09, love you mr. adorable suggalipz punkindumplinnn. Lmfao :DD<333333
Well I hate my girlfriend, because shes a lot hotter than me and Im jealous. 12-20-09 ;DD