Andrew profile picture


About Me

I am pretty much the most american bastard you will ever meet. I like gun stores, walmart, dry cleaners, kfc, eating beef, WORKING MY MUSCLES OUT ON LIKE A DAILY BASIS OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, i bench press 350 lbs, i can squat like 450 lbs, i like to sit down on a cool summer nights and look at the moon and pretend that im on an apollo mission exploring the deepest reaches of space and stuff, sometimes i like to think that im Noah Wilson or prince. I really wish that i was the sixth member of a sweet boy band like Hanson, and play the kazoo, cause hanson really needs a kazooist. I like to extreme kite, cause im really freaken amazing.

My Interests

Mostly music and gardening

I'd like to meet:

Prince, and Al Gore


Post hard core inde rock, with a splash of punk (maybe some emo fag in there, somewhere)


Blazing Sadles, I love JOHN WAYNE, and martha stewert....


Wild Down Under, and were not talking about australia


Farley Mowats, "Lost In the Barrens"


The Bio-Dome Five..