"One of the gassiest groups in Miami, man. Got a smash-a-demus going for 'em. The Invaders -- it's rated number two on the survey tonight. It's called 'She's A Tiger'!" DJ Rick Shaw on WQAM Rick Shaw's words in '65 let teens in sixteen counties know that a band from South Florida -- for that night, at least -- had the second most-requested song in the area. On that night, the Invaders had outperformed the Beatles, the Supremes, the Byrds, and Herman's Hermits, as their fans all flocked to their phones to give support to the guys who'd just won the Burdines Combo Castle Battle Of The Bands. She's A Tiger's brief success was certainly a highlight for the group, which had started out way back in 1962 as the Playboys. After adding Don Goodson on drums and Kenny Ahern on guitar, keyboard player Robert Haas renamed the group The Invaders. Their electronics expert manager Richard Sano leased a rehearsal studio for the guys on Northwest 27th Avenue, near the Palmetto Expressway. Inspired by the Canadian Legends, the guys decided to buy all new Fender equipment. Ahern exited, and Dave Davis came in as the band's new lead guitarist. It was about that time that Goodson purchased a new Chevy van to transport the group's new gear. Haas designed a logo that was then painted on the van. Everyone knew when the Invaders were coming! By '64 the band was booked solidly all over Dade County, and into Hollywood and Ft. Lauderdale as well. They played at spots such as PAL, Code One, the Diplomat, the Fontainebleau, the Bath Club, the Hollywood Armory, and the Surfside Community Center.
My Interests
Member Since: 05/01/2008
Band Members: Dave Davis
Robert Haas
Don Goodson
Steve Seitz
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie