Progress is a young Luxembourgish Band formed in
September 2007 by 5 People: Jérôme, Los Bobbos, Dan, Yannick and Mike.
Those five Musicians intend to bring a new Sound to the
Luxembourgish Musicscene called Death Rock.
With a mixture of different aspects of the music genres
Death Metal and Hard rock, stunning rhythms,
melodic sounds and bone crushing brutal beats,
their music is meant to initiate the public to
bang with their heads until it hurts.
Experience a new Wave of Metal Music with Jérôme playing
the subliminal depths of musical frequencies,
able to make everything in front of him
shiver like a devastating earthquake; Dan and Mike
playing both hypnotic and captivating melodies
as well as brutal rhythmic massacres; Los Bobbos creating
crashing Beats alike whiplashes crushing down
on his listeners backs; and in the end Yannick with stunning
Growls that make Hell itself freeze in anxiety.
Horns Up for Progress!!!
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