Extended Network Banner @ MyspaceFLY.com
---networkwell lets see.its only tuesday but it feels like the worst week i've had in quite sometime. i hate when people lie to me. i hate stupid people. i hate people that remind me of me. i don't like being in big groups of people. i don't like people ignoring me. if you don't want to talk to me, then tell me, don't waste my time. i don't think i really have any "friends". brianna, dustin and susan are the closest i have to friends. but even they can once in a while mess up. i mess up to. i guess im easy to talk to. i like meeting new people. i like playing guitar. maybe someday i'll be good at it. maybe not. i just graduated from st. joe HS. i guess thats about all. wanna know more? just ask.im on aol instant messenger: rmlvblmeagher--ryan allen meagher
Myspace Graphics
Sons Of The South Tour
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comin to a town near you this summer!
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