"Round of Angels" is an oracle card game, and a collection of 35 Original Angel illustrations.
These cards are for everybody, from 3 to 120 years old. they are a beautiful way to connect to the Love, Light, positivity, and transmuting powers of our Divine friends, in order to re-member our own Light, and the Divinity of Life.../a few cards explanations: :::::
"NOW MOMENT":yesterday and tomorrow don't exist.. Real life is now..Feel the "Now" Moment.. Feel your Breathing.. feel your Soul.. Now.......
ABONDANCE: "thank in advance for the coming Harvest of the fruits that are maturing..ans Divine abondance will bring you all you need.......
MEDITATION: Re-member..You are a spiritual Being, in a material body.. Meditate..to re-member the Divine in you.. to re-discover deep inside, this place of absolute Peace and Harmony.......
FORGIVENESS: "Forgive one another.." We all have the right to make mistakes, to stumble on the path.. Forgiveness to ourselves and others, heals our hearts, our lives, our Planet........
HEALING: Connect yourself to the Divine Light, breath this light, and let your cells, your whole being be enlightened, and regenerated.. Like this Angel, you can be a channel of Light and enlight everything, and everybody around you!........
GARDIAN ANGEL: "hello" his says.. Always with you, he protects you, guides you and asks you not to worry.. You can thank him for his faithful and loving presence, that pours on you, Joy, Light, support, and makes your connection stronger......../Because of our free-will, Angels need our call to work with us in a more efficient way.. Get in contact with them.. call for their support, help and guidance, just try!..and you'll see miracles happening...