Fo the Bhagavad Gita.-------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------On the battlefield-------------------------------------------------
Arjuna asks: O Krsna of what value are kingdoms, what value is living for hapiness if they for whom our kingdom, material pleasure and hapiness is desired: preceptors,fatherly elders, sons; and grandfatherl elders, maternal uncles, fathers in law, grandsons, brothers in law and relatives are all present on this battlefield ready to give up their kingdoms and very lives. Even if they wanted to take my life I do not wish to take their lives. What to speak for the sake of the Earth, even for the rulership of thr three worlds; in exchange for slaying the sons of Dhrtarastra what happiness will be derived by us?... Thus having spoken Arjuna cast aside his bow and arrow on the battlefield and sat down on the seat of his chariot his mind overwhelmed with deep sorrow.-----------------------------------------------------
rsna reponds to Arujuna who is lamenting the consequences of war:--------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------O Arjuna from hathis illusion of yours appeared in this moment of crisis? This is not befitting honorable men nor conducive to the attainment of heavenly sphears and is the cause of infamy. You are mourning for those not worthy of sorrow; yet speakng like one knowledgeable. The learned neither laments for the dead or the living. Certainly never at any time did I not exist, nor you, nor all these kings and certainly never shall we cease to exist in the future. Just as in the physical body of the embodied being is the process of childhood, youth and age; similarly by the transmigration from one body to another the wise are never deluded. But know that by whom this entire body is pervaded, is indestructible. No one is able to cause the destruction of the imperishable soul. The embodied soul is eternal in existance, indestructable and infinite, only the material body is factually perishable; therfore fight O Arjuna. either being slain you will attain the heavenly worlds or by gaining victory you will enjoy the Earth; therfore O Arjuna, confident of success rise up and fight.------------------------------------------------------