Beth profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i love the beach (i want to go back to puerto galera!!!!) people think i'm a snob but its always only their first impression. friends say i'm makulit, mabait, and moody. my guy says i'm a bad girl but i'm not! just read the comments from my loving friends! add me to your list! ;-)

My Interests

i read national geographic, my favorite. i watch disney channel, national geographic channel, discovery channel, and animal planet. i don't like anime but i love shin chan! i love listening to music and surfing the net. i'm also fond of cars, history, and mysteries... maybe i'll try to pass through the bermuda triangle someday... i like going to the mall and i want to try drag racing someday.. oh, and i love bracelets, too!

I'd like to meet:



alternative rock and oldies but goodies! (wierd combination, huh?) but i like sean paul!


my bestfriend's wedding, charlie's angels, finding nemo, dangerous minds, american pie 1, 2, & 3, bram stoker's dracula (starring gary oldman, winona ryder, keanu reeves, and anthony hopkins), disney's beauty and the beast, coyote ugly


i've been watching the wonder years on disney channel unfortunately, that's so raven replaced it and the 4th season of the wonder years is not yet even finished (it's up to the 6th season)! that's the only series i'm watching on tv!


i've read harry potter books 1-5, i have an inspirational book right now and i read 2 pages of it every night before i go to sleep. i'm not yet finished with tuesdays with morrie and the alchemist by paulo coelho. i've also read youngblood 2.0 by the philippine daily inquirer.


God, my family, and my friends!